The Best Way!

Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Hey Guys,

I have a couple of forums running great with a good number of members registered.

One of them is an exclusive Gaming forum which is going great. 50 registered members the first day. Expecting lots more to come in the next few.

And the other is a database forum with all kinda info which is going pretty good too...

Currently both of them are free...I really wanted to ask you people what is the best way to make cash out of them..

Advertisements? I am not really interested in putting ads on my forums. Kinda like it ad-free.

Any other way to get in some green?

Do Let me know..

Thank You.
He he. Thnx.

As for the ads, I do see ads on RageZone.

I did promise my members that it would be totally ad-free. I am already using a lot of Google's Add-On's for which I am being paid.

So I just wanted to know if there was any other way. And mine are PHPBB3 forums and not VBulletin (if that helps in anyway) :D
Yeah. Was thinking about that exactly.

Already the forum content is blocked to un-registered users. Users have to register no matter what. Pretty surprised how I managed 50 users on the first day.

Am pretty sure that If I go for subscribing this early - I might even lose the current members. We dont want that to do we?

Any other idea's people?