The Boy whos skin fell off

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May 24, 2003
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This programme i just watched on channel 4 really made me view life in a diffrent way and i was thinking i had problems at school but the man on the dis programme had it bad did anyone watch dis programme??
Spunkeh said:
This programme i just watched on channel 4 really made me view life in a diffrent way and i was thinking i had problems at school but the man on the dis programme had it bad did anyone watch dis programme??

yeah i did, he was an amazing guy, such a funny person for someone who had so much pain and suffering. Was moving stuff, and yeah ill agree with you, it does give u a different perspective.
Hulkster said:
so whats it really about? skin comes off of a boy?

sort of, he had a disease which literally made his skin rot and all his fingers joined together and what not, was very moving.
i wactehd most of it. didn't see the end but felt he was a top bloke. he was in a sense brave when it came to talking about death. tbh i aint so scared of death anymore. i just hope my mum anf family dont feel too bad when it happens.
major respect to that bloke! I knew someone who had muscular dystrophy & he was the coolest person you could meet. Same as that bloke.

:hail: He was tops from what I saw & I'll have a drink to him tomorrow in the pub!
didnt watch it myself didnt realise it was on but ive heard a few people talking about it, or mentioning it at least.

you'll find the harder things that life throws at you provided you dont give up and run away the stronger you will become

people who have it easy become weak, people who have it hard and fight through become truely strong :)
Exclamatio said:
didnt watch it myself didnt realise it was on but ive heard a few people talking about it, or mentioning it at least.

you'll find the harder things that life throws at you provided you dont give up and run away the stronger you will become

people who have it easy become weak, people who have it hard and fight through become truely strong :)

u do philosphy or something..... Coz your always comeing out with stuff like this :tp:
Solares said:
u do philosphy or something..... Coz your always comeing out with stuff like this :tp:

im a student of life ^_^

all i study is martial arts and i guess i do philosophise quite a bit, its just the way it is hehe after a certain level martial arts becomes a form of expression, i know i can defend myself, i know im safe im phisically fit but i still train. so in turn it all leads to expression of the human being as bruce lee said ^_^
Hmmm, he did movies though.

Maybe Tony Blanks, TaeBo guy. Do little chops, and some high-fly kicks, etc....
Exclamatio said:
thats why i said i cant see myself doing films :tp:

Yes, you can do films, you made a recording, which is 1st step though. Maybe could be like rowan actkinson like Mr. Bean. Hes the fucking man, funniest mofo ever seen.
sounds like a cool person :s
life can really suck sometimes >.< we just have to be happy with what we have and not take it for granted coz not everyone has it as good as us... even though we may think differently sometimes
He lived up to be 36 I believe, from the article. But still, who wants to suffer like that, I feel sorry for the guy. He's happy now, wherever he's now....