the choice of a wise man L2J 

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Initiate Mage
Mar 15, 2004
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ok guys, here is the question: tell me the truth plz,is the L2 game sorta like all of those trashful Korean games such as MU,gayxy,etc which are all in the same mode of endless "hunting treasures by killing monsters"?
i quit if the answer is Yes, or i'll try to setup a server for having some fun. im not a robot-like player as some of those guys.i wont let the game play not a stupid kid anymore. time is precious for me, but surely of course i also need some fun some times by playing some brain-training games.quitting the boring L2 (if it is) is the choice of a wise man because i can upgrade myself phsically and mentally by absorbing knowledges and training skills with the time which could be consumed in that.
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but please dont expect a full game yet... lots of stuff doesnt work... this is a beta version of the server files... so dont expect a finished game like mu... but yes... imo l2 is awesome.
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