The "Fire Chick" Siggy!

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Jun 9, 2006
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Just sat down making a new one. CnC and Ratings Please.

iNs@nE - The "Fire Chick" Siggy! - RaGEZONE Forums
It was initially intended to go with an anime render but when I found this one, I felt it was better.

As for the text, I intentionally put it small coz it was dominating the rest of the picture if increased in size and place elsewhere.
try blurring the bg, but not so much, this may increase depth and a good point of view ^^
I was seriously advised by people not to use the filter button. LOL.
When I started off with making siggies - all I did was a mix up loads of filters and screw the whole thing up.
Well ofc. if you put too many filters it will et messy .. i only use the distort filters .. like displace . .and the ripples .. they give a sig a nice flow sometimes .. ofc. i don't use them anymore that much ( only displace ) but i suggest you to try .. if it doesnt come out .. read some filter tutorials ..
What are you guys talkin about, it looks good. I dont like the blackness on the left you should have just filled it with the same collours. And I agree with Shadowmist blur it a bit, and also the render but blur the render then put the blurred render under the main render.
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