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The history of this section.

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@Vaulient I wouldn't say nobody, a lot of the people who want Teamviewer do want to learn but some of them seem to think you're available to them 12 hours a day for free... (I know money is a sensitive issue here). However I don't think the problem is helping the noobs, there's plenty of guides for them but they might not be on the surface of the forum which is where they're going to look, pinning more of the detailed and helpful guides may solve this?

I think the more pressing problem is that there isn't more advanced guides: editing the client, updating packets, making basic changes to emulators, etcetera. So while there's several hundred noobs here, many of them willing to learn, just one of them (if we're lucky) will go on to make any kind of positive upgrade to an emulator (there's plenty of CMSs already). I know they should learn about networking and how to program first, but it's these advanced threads that will set them on that track.

Just an opinion, thoughts?

Edit: Emboldened some text in response to the dementors reply, he's so full of hope <3, and as for renames the solution is for the community to just not use them - use the emulators that have had positive upgrades. I don't think me or Vaulient will cry because of them...
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Vaulient I wouldn't say nobody, a lot of the people who want Teamviewer do want to learn but some of them seem to think you're available to them 12 hours a day for free... (I know money is a sensitive issue here). However I don't think the problem is helping the noobs, there's plenty of guides for them but they might not be on the surface of the forum which is where they're going to look, pinning more of the detailed and helpful guides may solve this?

I think the more pressing problem is that there isn't more advanced guides: editing the client, updating packets, making basic changes to emulators, etcetera. So while there's several hundred noobs here, many of them willing to learn, just one of them (if we're lucky) will go on to make any kind of positive upgrade to an emulator (there's plenty of CMSs already). I know they should learn about networking and how to program first, but it's these advanced threads that will set them on that track.

Just an opinion, thoughts?
My thought is the same when it comes to there's no detailed guides. Face it , every development that's undergoing is either private , or paid. Greed you could say. The habbo community used to be generous back in the day of Meth0d where things were easy going , just r63a . Now r63b and r64c shiz is up , it's not the same anymore. Just bunch of freaking cms edits and renames now.
My thought is the same when it comes to there's no detailed guides. Face it , every development that's undergoing is either private , or paid. Greed you could say. The habbo community used to be generous back in the day of @Meth0d where things were easy going , just r63a . Now r63b and r64c shiz is up , it's not the same anymore. Just bunch of freaking cms edits and renames now.
>The habbo community used to be generous back in the day of @Meth0d where things were easy going...

Also don't need to make "making basic changes to emulators" tutorials. It is you guys will start crying "omg they don't know how to code, only know how to rename!!11".

And goddamnit, some shitty game private server section is not right place to learn how to code and other computer science stuff.
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>The habbo community used to be generous back in the day of Meth0d where things were easy going...

Also don't need to make "making basic changes to emulators" tuturials. It is you guys will start crying "omg they don't know how to code, only khow how to rename!!11".

And goddamnit, some shitty game private server section is not right place to learn how to code and other computer science stuff.

Why is potentially learning to code/program with something you enjoy, "Not the right place?". I think in that given situation, it's the perfect place. And a good way to learn the basics of computing overall. If you're learning by doing something you enjoy, how can that be bad? Don't get me wrong, I can understand where you're coming from, however given the audience that this forum has in regard to age, telling them to "learn to code" and then expecting them to sit down, sit and look through Google, read a text book or whatever isn't going to work (in most cases).

With what was said above in this discussion, there is indeed a huge lack of material and documentation about Habbo and how it works on this forum. The developers know, but no one else does. Unfortunately it's been this way for over half a decade now, and as Habbo is dying (which it is), I don't believe there is going to be much change.

The issue is the community overall, everybody is trying to get to the top, because like previously mentioned, money is involved, peoples egos and as I said before, age.
Why is potentially learning to code/program with something you enjoy, "Not the right place?". I think in that given situation, it's the perfect place. And a good way to learn the basics of computing overall. If you're learning by doing something you enjoy, how can that be bad? Don't get me wrong, I can understand where you're coming from, however given the audience that this forum has in regard to age, telling them to "learn to code" and then expecting them to sit down, sit and look through Google, read a text book or whatever isn't going to work (in most cases).

With what was said above in this discussion, there is indeed a huge lack of material and documentation about Habbo and how it works on this forum. The developers know, but no one else does. Unfortunately it's been this way for over half a decade now, and as Habbo is dying (which it is), I don't believe there is going to be much change.

The issue is the community overall, everybody is trying to get to the top, because like previously mentioned, money is involved, peoples egos and as I said before, age.

'course money is involved. You ain't gonna code an entire application for a company for free, why do it for the retro community?

That being said, the more people who release open sourced software, the more people are gonna learn, and the closer we can get to how things used to be.

But you're right. Retros are basically dead. If you asked me why I stick around, I couldn't give you an answer.
I had a bit of a nostalgia moment and decided to look up RaGEZONE. I created DarkHabbo (v9), back in 2006 or 7, which I think was the first semi-stable server with a semi-decent administrative UI. Though it still consisted of pretty awful programming. I believe it could also generate the required HTML files, which made creating a server a breeze.

I made it open source, which caused a surge in custom servers.

I've since then mostly moved to webdevelopment, though I quite miss programming those client/server VB6 applications.

AMA :8:


Yes I remember you vaguely, the username certainly rings a bell. I wrote up much of the history in the first post through what I learned speaking to Nillus and Jeax as well as my own personal experiences. When the retro scene started it was just Scripting sites that had all the servers, the MDK v1 server that JoeH made (but some idiot renamed).
Thanks for this, i love it. :)
Habbo Retros are dead in Germany.. but it's nice so see whats happend in Ragezone since 3 Years, so many developer. :D
I joined this community at a very young age, 13. The skills I picked up and learned, the critical thinking required to make a retro, and the problem solving I had to do has given me more than I could ever ask for. I use the skills I learned from each and everyone of you on a daily basis here at my University, I attribute a lot of things in my life to the time I spent in the f282 community. It's amazing to think its been almost 6 years since I first joined, and all the memories I made here have made a lasting impact on my life.

Looking back, I was an extremely mixed up and emotionally confused teenager. This community offered me something that school, my parents, and my friends couldn't. I still can't tell you exactly what that was, but it was important and needed.

I am not active in this community anymore, I haven't been for a number of years. Every once in a while however, I like to check in and see if you all are still here.

I want to thank everyone in this community for sharing their time with me in this common vested interest. Sometimes, if I meet a cute girl or a new found friend and we start talking I'll subtly mention Habbo, just to see if they share any of the same memories I shared with all of you.

Right now I am away at college studying to get my degree in Finance, then its law school after that. I've got big things on my mind and a bright future to look forward too, but every once in a while I like to think who made it happen. F282 made up bits and pieces of who I am today, and for that I am ever grateful.

I know I was not the most prolific coder that ever graced this section. I'm no Yifan Lu, Aaron, or PEjump2 (still a friend of mine to this day) - yes after all these years I still remember all their names. I was however an active member that always tried my best to help out. Reading through the history of this section brings back so many great memories, I just wanted to take this time and finally say...

Thank you.
I never posted something in this thread. So to make this thread more funniest (since some latest posts here was offending our legends, and was a little messy...), i have some words to say to everyone that is reading this..

This section had a lot of legends, a lot of contributors. A lot of these contributors (members) improved this section in a lot of ways. In ways like algorithm, encryption, emulating, client side, hashing, scripts, content engines, and more. But the biggest thing that they did was this community, this section being one. Of course we had discussions before, but before we had a big amount of heros.

The fact is, before was more hard to code, less people knowing to code (was other young generation). Now "code" (or copy code or flame, or do bullshit, etc) is easier. Habbo is almost died. People are not caring (only some members cares) to contribute really. Only want fame.
Also the count of leaked content (that aren't Sulake's content, but other people content) is bigger than ever. The amount of unfinished developments increased a lot. The amount of ego also, the amount of treats also.

But only one thing we need remember. This community isn't made of people with a big count of posts. Thread count isn't the same of contribution rate. The community is gratefully to our heros? Maybe, but the onliest thing that really we need remember is, people don't need necessary remember our heros, they never will been forgot. Simply, because ever software of this section will use something that they made. They are alive in this community.. in the hearth of this community.

So let's stop fight about careless things. (i think people will continue.. but whatever...)

If you're not listed in this thread, and helped this community, don't be afraid. The history will not forgot you. The onliest person that need be satisfied of the contribution is you. Because you know you helped.

This community has a big story, let's not allow this history being forgoted.

And the war continues, the rat vs the cat. we vs sulake. Why we do all these things. Because Habbo is Habbo, coding is coding, hobbie is hobbie, fun is fun. And RaGEZONE... this part i don't need to talk.

Hugs, for our heros, and specially for you that maybe also are helping this section.
I regret leaving the Habbo Scene years ago, I probably had the best v26 Source to date, fully featured with Battleball and Snowstorm as well (Shame I never released it to the public and have long deleted everything I had of Habbo) :*:

Good luck to the current developers, :thumbup1:
Too sad to see that the old people have left though

Good luck to the future developers and contributors
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How did the very first thing happen tho? How was the first emulator made, was habbo hacked? like how did it very very first start....
How did the very first thing happen tho? How was the first emulator made, was habbo hacked? like how did it very very first start....

Funny you should ask on a day that I happen to be googling about the old days. I actually helped create the very first v1 Habbo Retro, and even named the project "Habbo Retro" as I developed the cloned website as well ( - Obviously now offline).

You didn't need Habbo's entire source code in order to run a retro server. Joeh developed a tool to be able to download the dcr and files, host it on your pc, and emulate the server using visual basic. He done this as a personal project and didn't expect anything to come of it - when he lost interest he passed it to me.

MDK was working on a load of project's and I shared most leaks with him. We developed the server so it was fully working (walking, talking, building rooms, buying furniture, mutants) as well as being able to host hundreds of rooms and clients at a time ect. We also got the source code of HabbBee/HabboX which was made by 13/Jepherr/S0CK3T and modified it so it would work with our Retro server (fully unencrypted).

After it was finished and I was done having fun, I closed my server and released the source code somewhere I can't remember where. From there, new servers were popping up every other day and new things were being developed, newer clients and server versions evolved from there.

It's crazy to see something we started as a bit of fun to bring back mutants for a laugh is still running rabid to this day, and using the same name "habbo retro" as I created all those years ago. I expect to be long forgotten down the years but it's nice to see my name brought up in this thread by someone who really remembers how it all began.

Again my story isn't 100% accurate, I can't remember much from those days but I do remember the people and i'm still in contact with a lot of them to this day.

I remember, way back in 2005. office.boy over at started running a v1 server, I looked into it a little and found out some geezer named 'MDK' had created and released an emulation of Habbo V1 (ofcourse this later turned out to be JoeH and DeK's work). This server went viral, and alot of people who were at the time scripters on Habbo (like me for example!) suddently became interested in emulating Habbo.

Lots, and lots of time was spent on this version of the server. Hundreds of different tutorials about how to add furniture to certain areas of the one available room began to hit forums, code fixes, and updates were constantly being talked about, some released! ThuGie appeared and after some work with the V1, everyone began discussing if we could emulate Habbos latest version (which was at the time, v9).

As most of us were scripters, we could easily log the information needed to do this. However, none of the guys working on emulating the V9 really understood the structure of the messages. ThuGie was the first to have a shot, and released a server that would allow the client to connect to you, and then the server would instantly ban you with the "@c" message. This was great, we had a connection!

Some one began work on a class that would change "@c" into 35. The first B64 decoder/encoder. It looked something like this

Public Function B64Length(ByVal TheString As String) As Integer
Select Case TheString
Case "@@"
B64Length = 0
Exit Function

Case "@A"
B64Length = 1
Exit Function

Case "@B"
B64Length = 2
Exit Function

Case "@C"
B64Length = 3
Exit Function

Case "@D"
B64Length = 4
Exit Function

Still in VB6, nasty right? People would just laugh if they saw something like that now! It's hard to believe that, that function was used for a very, very long time and only allowed us to decode/encode up to 1000. I forget the name of the guy that wrote it, but we all really, really appreciated it at the time. It was used until Jeax released a .dll he wrote in c# that properly encoded and decoded everything we needed (and even this was re-wrote and implemented into Vb6, as no one could use it properly in their servers!)

The very 'first' private 9 server is disputed, it's hard to define what one person would call a version 9 server. Flex had a server that was released before USA111's, and before mine! You couldn't use private rooms, but you could login, register, change your looks and mission, and most importantly you could enter and walk around public rooms. this was a _massive_ leap. The first iteration of my v9 server was released shortly after. You could now enter private rooms and talk! You couldn't walk, place or move furniture, or interact with the room at all. Days after I released my server, a guy by the name of 'Genaga' released his server. It allowed you to fully interact with private rooms, you could purchase, place, move, pick up and interact with furniture and other users in private rooms. A massive milestone.

A month or two after that, USA111 released his v9 server. it had all of Genaga's features, but was better. Genaga's server was all formed in one module. Just one, there was nothing else. USA111's server, split up code into more logical steps, and started to show early stages of OOP.

It was then massive challenges came up for V9 developers, lots of people were now doing it. 'Mark' appeared with his V9 which was very, very popular at the time. It was essentially the most used, all of these servers were still flat file. This is also around the time that 'Otaku Hotel' (what is now Phoenix, by Sojobo) appeared, and started to be sold, it was entirely based on USA111s work.

All of this work was still v9 based and in VB6. Habbo had released Habbo v13, and no one could modify their servers to get it to work. Until I teamed up with USA111. We released 'USA111 and Myrax's V13 Server' compiled, it was massive. USA111 left shortly after and without my permission, released the source-code. This created a massive boom in developments.

I'm pretty sure this is the stage where users such as Nillus, Moogly, mirkan, Donkjam, NGansta and Hebbo hit the scene. We still did not have SSO login, but hundreds of variations of USA111 and my server started hitting ragezone and hw-forum (which is now otaku).

I did not like that my work had been used without permission, to started another server with Nitrojan and well_thats_not_funny, called 'Project Xeon'. It was v9, and the very first Habbo emulation that used Habbos encryption. office.boy helped us alot, and infact logged around 100 keys from Habbos server (so that we could use the encryption properly!), only later to be told by me that you could use any random key! :D

A foreign user, that no one had really heard of before (and again, i've forgotten his name, apologise) claimed that he had cracked 'sso login'. And he had! it was still flatfile based, and forced the user to store all user data in the /web/ folder where the login script was, but we finally had SSO login.

Project Xeon evolved with this, and began to implement mySQL. it certainly wasn't the first server to try (and I don't remember what was), but use of mySQL in servers was still relatively unheard of and no one did it. After obviously hearing about my work with mySQL, Nillus asked me for help implementing mySQL into Debbo (which was now on its third, or fourth iteration). I said I'd help him, but don't think i ever actually got around to it, he learnt off his own back!

Sometime between then, and the next paragraph 'MeGrim' (no idea who it was!) began publicly advertising his complete V7 server. It had everything, everything. Camera worked, moderation tools worked, public & private rooms worked. It was just perfect. it's homepage can still be found here
(though i think it has been updated since its initial release, note it is no longer online). This server was never released.

My memory gets cloudy around this point as so much happened. I think it's now 2007, and Jeax has released his server 'Project Warlord' (the server before Project Cold Coffee!). it was in C#, and everyone was excited. It was a new language, it was faster, smoother, and had much cleaner code than almost all of the VB6 servers.

People like Nillus and I quickly snatched up the source and began to learn from it, this is when Nillus started the 'Holograph' server. Project Warlord pretty much hit the deck, few people could figure out how to use it so they just never bothered. This is one of the reasons Holograph was such a hit - it was easy.

We're now in mid 2007. Jeax has released Project Cold Coffee, and Nillus some iteration of 'Holograph'. Holograph took lead, again, it was easier. VB6 servers slowly began to die and be wiped out of the scene, it became 'nooby' and 'idiotic' to program in VB6.

This is around the time I drew the line, and stopped publicly working with emulations. I tried to keep track of the thousands of renames and rips that appeared, but I just couldn't do it. There was no real 'milestones' after this. Nillus successfully programmed Battleball after many failed attempts, including some by me, and continued to release the most easy to use and popular servers.

JoeH began work on Thor (Habbo V9), which he released using a MSSQL database. I think this was around 2009. Nillus took it and used it as the base for woodpecker (and blunk). Again, because no one could really use it, it didn't take off either.

Sojobo took holograph when it was released, and used that as the new source for his sold work, and did the same when uber was released (except he bought the rights to uber).

I never kept up with CMS or customs development, so you'll have to excuse my lack of knowledge in that area. Like all peoples recounts of the past, mine will not be complete. but I think it helps serve some insight into what happened back then. :)

This dude knows his stuff! Jogged my memory a bit. My memory is awful but I still remember how much it was a part of my life and i'm glad to see my name is still remembered by the people who actually were involved back in the REAL old days.
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