::[The Official "Bad Mod Hair Day" Thread]::

May 30, 2004
Reaction score
The South
This idea came to me when I woke up this morning and had so much eye crust and eye goo on my eyes. I thought about taking a picture of it and posting it on ragezone, but when you can't see a whole lot and "shower" pops into your head, you know what the priority is....the camera of course (no, only kidding).

It's simple: Post pictures, posts, ban requests, etc. of mods :p (if you're not a mod you can post stuff but it has to be a picture of a mod, not a regular user or I'm going to take your teddy bear away >:O

to clarify...anyone can post pics but I made the thread to show even if us mods can be hard-asses we have a different side...
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I'm a little confused. Just to clear it up, you are looking for funny pics of mods?

I may have a couple of Becky :grin: