Private The roller coaster ride of the Habbo section... ( What now? )

Apr 30, 2007
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The best people discovered something called a life, or doing things for money. No one will return, we have what we have. Thats it. Make something of yourself instead of trying to get old schoolers back to spoonfeed the noobs.


Legendary Battlemage
Mar 3, 2007
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The best people discovered something called a life, or doing things for money. No one will return, we have what we have. Thats it. Make something of yourself instead of trying to get old schoolers back to spoonfeed the noobs.

Meh these are points I hear all the time. I am doing that minus the money, but at the same time speaking my mind. I'm not intentionally trying to get them back, just hoping some people and creations might come back. (Bifi2000, Habmoon Custom Creations, More tutorials, etc).

I will create tutorials in the future, it's just a matter of having enough time on my hands. There's lots about these new versions that can be taught.
Apr 30, 2007
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No one will come back. Stop hoping. And you hear all of these points all the time because thats the truth, plain and simple. I think you just can't accept it.
Dec 16, 2011
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It's pointless, you can't throw ideas to bring the community together, times change, old developers grew old from Habbo, and moved on, as the new generation of 'kids' come in, they rely on the previous generations work's, which creates lazy and incompetent members in the Habbo community. Instead of spoonfeeding to the community, we need more proper- well written tutorials on how to do things, such as (but not limited to):

Modifying SWFs,
Modifying CMS',
Setting up a retro properly,
Where to start, to edit emulators and understand how the structure works (packets, IE..)

When providing the crucial information, for development, it will furthermore develop the community, it will help 'kick start' the new generation and ensure that all the new coming users aren't spoonfed. Because when you spoonfeed new comers, they're going to become more and more lazy, and rely on releases instead of actually contributing- and customizing to their own liking; because they will have the knowledge and they will be able to contribute to the development of the section.

But that is only one point in many factors that play a role in the decaying section, we call today the Habbo "Community".
Loyal Member
Sep 21, 2009
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I think everyone is forgetting that what has really killed Habbo was Facebook and Sulake's failure to capitalise on the Android and iOS boom. I believe Sulake's users have just simply lost interest in the game... you no longer require a PC or a console to play games anymore, my phone's GPU is faster than an Intel HD 2000 Integrated GPU.... You don't need that to play Habbo but my point is that Sulake failed to adapt to the rapidly changing technology sector and they are now suffering for it.

Habbo's decline in my opinion has contributed to the decline of this section too. This section is a "Mercury fix" section + some poop customs.

EDIT: Whoever renamed Plus to Silverwave has also... killed it in way.. (Was it Leon?) all the guy did was replace all references of Plus to Silverwave using Visual Studio and he then smashed an exploit in trophies and sold it in excess of 200 dollars, he did duck all... that to me has contributed to the collapse of the section... anyway the section was like this in the Phoenix days... and it recovered briefly but doing anything associated with Habbo is a waste of my time as I have no interest in it any more. Many of us had Plus weeks before it was leaked. (It was going to be leaked, even if Joe or whatever his name is didn't leak it, just a matter of time). But yeah the guy capitalized on the fact it wasn't publicly available and sold it.
ignition sequence start
Loyal Member
Jul 27, 2012
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Agree to that. Should rename the thread 'the rollercoaster ride of renames' as that's all I seem to come across in this section.
Google my name...
Nov 9, 2011
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I didn't take any courses I just used my knowledge of web development and C# programming to make a ton of websites and software as portfolio work and went into a professional job at the age of 17. It's easier than taking courses, I mainly found there were no courses doing what I wanted to do and most employers don't even look for qualifications in web development/software development. Anyone can pass the course but it doesn't make them a professional.

I used to work on the RP scene back when they were all v26, I only kept to it to help those who needed it. I occasionally go back to it if they really need help. You are completely right, the community doesn't care for any of us, they only care for the next release of a bug fix so they can make people pay to be VIP...

I've never believed in the concept of payment for anything within a retro. I understand people need to cover the cost of their servers but I still believe there are ways around it. Back when I was working on emulators (we are talking like 3-4 years ago when v26 was around) I built in a in-game points system, it works much like Pixels did when they were introduced, you gain points for playing and you get your VIP by being active. Those days seriously need to come back to get anywhere.


Legendary Battlemage
Mar 3, 2007
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The course teaches HTML5, CSS3, photoshop skills, template skills, unique template styles, project management, quotes, and basically anything needed to know so I can run my own business. To find that current and up to date knowledge and learn it via the web can take a while for a lot of people, plus I want a certificate and hands on experience as I will need credits to hopefully be accepted into software development.

I'd rather go to school for it to learn all the best and most efficient styles so that I can have a fast track to owning my own business or getting high up on a corporate ladder.

Good for you though bud, I was just talking to someone about this community and how it has taught and motivated so many kids at the ages of 12-16 to start coding, and how some kids including Invitee a member on my staff team know coding of 3 languages, know 3 speaking languages and are well spoken in all at the age of 15. That's unheard of here haha.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 30, 2014
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I've seen threads like this one before....

The problem is the lack of demand for retros. There is still plenty of people still playing retros that are not involved with back end things. I just don't think there is a big of a demand as compared to 2011/12.

Is it honestly worth continuing to release stuff without having some 'fixes' or whatever? Fixes are good, when done properly.

I honestly feel like these threads asking for a community is just an excuse to get more stuff into their retro to charge for, which is bonkers.
Experienced Elementalist
Aug 10, 2011
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This whole 'community' is fucked, won't ever be right, I myself own a Hotel and people now-a-days are just jealous fucks they'll do anything and everything they can to duck your hotel up. It's stupid that's all it's about now no-one can get along anymore as every thinks their better than others because they have more knowledge then them, yeah they're right in ways but the way people in this community express it is Ducking ridiculous and it's never going to change, Jonty's right we have to get with the times, it's not about fun anymore it's just a big competition on who's the best. poop's fucked.