The Slanket

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Loyal Member
Nov 7, 2005
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I think this idea is awesome, ive known about it for a while but ive never bought one because i cant, its like a blanket but with sleeves

so you cango on your laptop or eat and still stay warm. its amazing.

just thinking on what you lot think on it?

Avenged - The Slanket - RaGEZONE Forums
Yeah, that's actually a pretty good idea. I don't see why someone didn't make one before.

I hate when the blanket slips off of you when your on a PC. ><
That is a great idea that will probably make millions, why cant I think of easy inventions like that.
Laziness goes for the 3 pointer!
He shoots, he scores!
*crowd sits in idle/laziness*

Alright that's 200 points for laziness and 3 for working ^_^

It's not that using the blanket is laziness it's just an indirect cause of it lol
Why without having to recover every time I type I can increase laziness by about 5% lol
I want one
Odd... A blanket seems to do me ok though.
Dont see any problem with a jumper/hoodie... tbh that thing will be more trouble than a blanket; you can just pull off a blanket, but for this you have to actually take it off, and that means having to move everything around you cos its so much bigger than a jumper/hoodie. Crazy humans and their crazy ideas :P
I've been cold while on the computer, but a sweater doesn't cut it, and I can't really play on the computer while having my blanket covering me.. Wow.. genius.. just genius.