The soul echoed server+DB

I have EOSLauncher.exe
Download speed 0

Other games like to shareThere are unfriendly people here

1. be disappointed in love ??
2. be crossed in love????
3. to lose one's love????
4. be jilted ????
Files EOS
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okey..nothing new?i didnt succeded to log in...but seems the server has some errors ...any complete tutorial ?

excause me ,did you use the thai-client from jenose? can you upload to mega?
google disk is so slowly and can't resume when it was interrupted,just one time interrupt all faild and need to dl from 0%.

by the way,do you know some other site like ragezone,with many server or emu files,for english.
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i think that you cant post others forums here.

i did downloaded the gdrive thai client and was ok just 4 hours to download, my net is slow but ok, maybe you can se the thai site downloader if gdrive does not work.
i think that you cant post others forums here.

i did downloaded the gdrive thai client and was ok just 4 hours to download, my net is slow but ok, maybe you can se the thai site downloader if gdrive does not work.

sorry,Even more sad is that I download the gdrive more slowly and can not be is easy to install finally,but the bad results is the soft running error.
if it is a mega,i will get the full speed ,at least mb/s ,maybe is 5MB/s.but gdrive,100kb/s is very high,less than 10kb/s is normal.
sorry ,i nned top find some other way to dl it.
damn guys why you dont understand this version can be used with english client to!,verify your settings in serverfiles and use euus version,you have already the TH client in the serverfiles,dont make unuseful reply here..we need more informations about configurations under this fles or a repack!
Hi guys)
I apologize for the delay (i have little free time)

For this client (thanks a lot jenose for client)
- protection killed (Themida)
- killed Xign

parm command line (bypass launcher):

Test it)

Nice!! this EOS.exe was skip XignCode properly

ok now i fix login server by change version to 270036 to match with thai client and change config loginserver and edit EOS.ini for ip param is not work need to change ip in EOS.ini
	"tha" :
		// URL of API
		"auth_host" : "http://localhost"
		// URL of API
		"auth_uri" : "Authentication.php"
		// URL of API
		"auth_hash_key" : "bcf0e0c41c65b41885c731374d4999fa"

$postdata = file_get_contents("php://input");
file_put_contents('debug.txt', $postdata);

and i got post values from php raw post in debug.txt as
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12=""><soap12:Body><ws_authen_universal_Platform_return_map_by_Username xmlns=""><strUsername>asdasd</strUsername><strPasswordMD5>a8f5f167f44f4964e6c998dee827110c</strPasswordMD5><strUserIP></strUserIP></ws_authen_universal_Platform_return_map_by_Username></soap12:Body></soap12:Envelope>

then client show server list thank to lastfun for EOS.exe

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can try
I need to download the client
Upload the "System" folder somewhere...
this client? -
downloading ...
approximately ~2.5 h
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can try
I need to download the client
Upload the "System" folder somewhere...
this client? -
downloading ...
approximately ~2.5 h

here is AeriaGames EOS Client system folder
unpacked eos.exe arieagame client (English)
need xigncode bypass

(uploading file)


i have already bypassed launcher and xigncode but once client start it show disconnected from server - login failed
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thats hemaprince im going to try it, did you unpacked before updating the client?
we need xingcode bypass before be able to use it
our server match only with the files when its installed before it updates
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actually i have an updated client cuz im playing on official server

eos.exe bypassed laucnher and xigncode

hm i dont think that will work with our serverfiles but could try
the serverfiles version are near the date of the files that the aeriagames deploys on install