Theory Test!

Supreme Arcanarch
Mar 7, 2006
Reaction score
Ahh ive got my theory driving test 2 day at 2pm and ive got one hell of a cold and feel like crap!

Im doing this practice disc thing and I keep failing on the hazzard perception lol. Can anyone give me any advice?

The questions aint to bad they are mainly common sence.

How many attempts did it take u guys for the actual driving practical test and the theory?

Wish me luck and ill let u know how it goes.
I passed first time in both parts of the test - the secret? Be relaxed. They sit you down with some big headphones on in a booth so there aren't any distractions. All you have to do is concentrate and think before you click. You'll do fine, just don't mash the mouse button every time the wind blows.
I passed first time in both parts of the test - the secret? Be relaxed. They sit you down with some big headphones on in a booth so there aren't any distractions. All you have to do is concentrate and think before you click. You'll do fine, just don't mash the mouse button every time the wind blows.

Ok lol cheers for the advice.

Is it true theres 2 hazzards in one of the clips or sumthin?
I succeded at my first theory atempt, moderate results.
Failed on my first driveup (90 Km/h road, tractor and opposing Lorry...)
The second attempt I felt more relaxed and made it tho.

Good luck on your test!
Just stay relaxed and don't think to much, the first thing that pops up in your head is 90% of the time the right one.
I succeded at my first theory atempt, moderate results.
Failed on my first driveup (90 Km/h road, tractor and opposing Lorry...)
The second attempt I felt more relaxed and made it tho.

Good luck on your test!
Just stay relaxed and don't think to much, the first thing that pops up in your head is 90% of the time the right one.

Haha nice!

Lol ok bud cheers ill keep that in mind.
Get plenty of fresh air before you go in. I'd been up for like 4 days before my exams at college, and i had a headach and i had a cold, and i was tired as hell + i felt sick. I got 100% in my 1st math section then 65+ in the second and 70+ in my third section and i passed, i got a C. So yeah, plenty of fresh air & water. :)
Ok lol cheers for the advice.

Is it true theres 2 hazzards in one of the clips or sumthin?

Yeah, there can be several hazards to a clip. It's not so easy as people like to think though, a hazard is a matter of opinion, so what you might find a potential danger the examiners might not. If you're unsure, don't click.
Back here in India, corruption made its way even into gettin a driver's license.

At first, I had to take this theory test.
Sat down in front of the comp and was breaking my head over the questions when the broker comes up to me and asks me to move out.
*** Three Seconds of Oblivion ***
I get 20/20 -- Dont ask me what happened.

Then the practical test. Never had to take one. Bloody corruption. But I love it. Makes work so much easier.
Back here in India, corruption made its way even into gettin a driver's license.

At first, I had to take this theory test.
Sat down in front of the comp and was breaking my head over the questions when the broker comes up to me and asks me to move out.
*** Three Seconds of Oblivion ***
I get 20/20 -- Dont ask me what happened.

Then the practical test. Never had to take one. Bloody corruption. But I love it. Makes work so much easier.

No wonder it's the most dangerous country in the world to drive in.
No wonder it's the most dangerous country in the world to drive in.

Doubt full. Go to Burma. It's life or death trying to cross a road in the capital city which cars flying by at 50 mph and they don't care about any people crossing or not as if they hit you it's your fault. O.O

Anyways to Burntsoul. Just relax. It'll be much easier if you just relax and take it as it comes and not worry. Worry will make you tense up and make it more likely to make mistakes.

NoPeace - out
Doubt full. Go to Burma. It's life or death trying to cross a road in the capital city which cars flying by at 50 mph and they don't care about any people crossing or not as if they hit you it's your fault. O.O

Anyways to Burntsoul. Just relax. It'll be much easier if you just relax and take it as it comes and not worry. Worry will make you tense up and make it more likely to make mistakes.

NoPeace - out

Exactly! I've seen those lunatics drive around in countries like Pakistan and Burma. Man! They are like iNs@nE. They just give a flyin fuck as to where the white divider is..!!
Haha well I didnt fail but I didnt pass my test. How your wondering?

There was a fk up with the dates, I booked the 15th and I know it was the 15th cause its the day b4 I go skiing, i get in there and they tell me I booked the 14th.

It said the 14th on the confirmation letter which I hadnt checked lol -_-.

Technicly it was my fault fr not checking so they said tough shit and I didnt get 2 take it lol. Ah well ill try again when i get back from Austria lol.
ha unlucky nice waste of money lol i failed the theory 1st time...i swear on 1 of the clips there wasnt even a hazzard! passed 2nd time tho had sum of the same clips from the 1st test lmao n passed ma practicle 1st time, the real secret jus flirt with the examiner ur best at that ed ;)