There's a way to prevent...

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Oct 28, 2006
Reaction score
Hello , I'm new here...
i thought i'll host a server of rose for my friends.
(btw, its my first time playing this game)
everything works great , exept few things that i may ask you guys , those who have expirenced with rose private server.
so, there's anyway to prevent chars from being stuck inside objects ?
or if there's no a solution for this problem yet then anyone can share his way to getout from those stucking objects ? (like scrolls for example)

this was the main question , but i have afew more i would like to ask for:

1.CPU is pretty high for that title application and a very small DB, is someone working on reducing CPU ? couse i think i can take alook in the source and i might try to rewrite some code here after i'll figure how's the cilent works.
btw, The offical project is still alive ? SVN didn't had an update for a month already... (if i remmber well)

2.yet this DB is OK...but can be alot better. there's anyway to get information from the offical ? DBsites ? cache files ? somthing ?
also there are no posts about DB stractue, anyone knows where can i get such information ? i understand the most of it but still there are uncleared things.

3. STB are related to AI system ? how can i read them ? or anyother information you can share with me about AI system ?
noticed the tags , very usful but still it wont answer this question
becouse the STB editor isn't showing column's names.

4. why not making a Wiki for rose private emulation ? or there is one already ? if there is please post alink.

thats it i think...
Thanks for investing you time reading this,
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you already have your server running?? cause can you help me with this :
let npc sell stuff, whitout servercrash
let there be skills!! i have skilbooks ,but when it try to learn , the server get stuck... :s
i didn't checked the skill books yet becouse npc leonard wont make me into a solider, maybe its not supported yet by the core ? i'll try using to them by using commands. Vendors are working great , i can buy & sell & everything.

so...anyone is able to answer my questions ?
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1. using the newest source, there are remove ghost to release CPU
2. I think u can do it yourself, if you haven't more than 1000 member in your game, I don't think you need this.
3. STB is easy to parse, u can see loadSTB method in source
4. I don't know either.
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