This is pretty sick, yet slightly funny

The Unbeatable
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Don't read it when you are easily offended, or even when your not... hell you shouldn't read it, but i bet you still will... or maybe not... oh well who gives a shit really. :tp:

Btw that guy ChuckNorrisisHOT is actually gay.

Oh and don't check that link at the bottom he gave... it's sick... i haven't seen it but someone else on IRC did, and well he didn't liked it...
If you think i'm joking about this link then read the posts in this topic FIRST, some people watched it, judge for yourself if you truely want to watch it
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sick... i definitly dont find it funny whatsoever...
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I'm a pussy, I closed media player after 20-40 seconds, the part when hes inducing the vommiting, just cant watch it.
lmao, read the convo, and i think ex has gone off food ^_^ especially mayo and crackers =p