This might not be intressting but its outside.

Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
A Coffin
Something that has really pissed me off, this is the story i explained within 5minutes to a friend that clearly states that he's the cock.

This whole month i was annoyed n pissed having to sort out joe n his problems and shit, 1week of peace and i speak to tina,(20th March) she says stuff abouts her dad and her birthday so i thought,
wow birthday best buy a friend a present. So i did, i got her a mouse for her computer.

On the 26th of March i told her what did Richard buy her. She said a few stuff. (By this time i already ordered the new mouse - 6days before)

Then Richard started to call me a arse raping ginger monkey fucker. I was annoyed cos he wouldn't let it go.
And then he started to go over it on MSN and then i told him i wasn't fucking into that monkey thing again, i got home and then he said this

"rite, you said u werent rivalling me? yet cause ive got my girl some prezzies you trying to keep up with me or something? or your just trying to buy friends?
THE WORLD DOESNT WORK THAT WAY UNFORTUATELY. I would call you a stalker myself as you have my girls address, you know her name and your getting closer to her.
If i catch you saying the wrong things i will be down on you like a tonne of bricks"

Why he said
That i don't know, so he wouldn't let it go, i spoke to tina, and showed her that.
It went through all this shit, and then he started threatening me, so i sent him a message and i was fucking pissed.
Then he comes moaning to tina saying shit n fucked up shit n shit.
Now he's pissed all over about that, and i wanted to know why he said this "rite, you said u werent rivalling me? yet cause ive got my girl some prezzies you trying to keep up with me or something?
or your just trying to buy friends? THE WORLD DOESNT WORK THAT WAY UNFORTUATELY. I would call you a stalker myself as you have my girls address, you know her name and your getting closer to her.
If i catch you saying the wrong things i will be down on you like a tonne of bricks" he ain't telling me so i really give up. Now he gives me warnings... lmao

Joe = Friend
Tina = Friend
Richard = Tina's GF

Let me know. Who's right here? Him or Me (Richard)
From the look of things Richard is very overprotective. Your only trying to be nice and friendly. See if you can calm him down and explain that you just want to be friend's with Tina.

I think there is more to this than Richard being jealous that your seeing his Girlfriend. Maybe he has some insecurity within himself. Oo
I keep asking why he said that comment to me. I'm talking to him and he's really not getting it. I later called him a retard, because i've never got to known him and he comes up saying all his family is disabled. Its like HTF am i surpose to know that if you come to me calling me a ginger ass monkey fucker.. seriously this dude has problems.
What you're gunna wanna do here is make Tina start to hate Richard...

Then after they have a very ugly break up, you slip in being the nice friend.

And beings she'll be on the rebound you'll start getting close, and eventually start going out with Tina.

It's the only way...

Life is a game, make sure the rules are in your favor.

(So this post totally makes me look like a huge prick haha)
I didn't get it. :huh:

i think his friend Richard got jealous cause justauser is giving RIchard's gf a gift for her b-day.

the best thing to do is explain to him that you just want to be friend with your friend GF. like EvilKitten said.

What you're gunna wanna do here is make Tina start to hate Richard...

Then after they have a very ugly break up, you slip in being the nice friend.

And beings she'll be on the rebound you'll start going out with Tina.

It's the only way...

this is a good idea too if Richard is just your friend, if best friend, dont do it ;)
i think his friend Richard got jealous cause justauser is giving RIchard's gf a gift for her b-day.

the best thing to do is explain to him that you just want to be friend with your friend GF. like EvilKitten said.

this is a good idea too if Richard is just your friend, if best friend, dont do it ;)

Trying that, but this retard richard. I quote FUCKING RETARD! isn't getting it.
justauser said:
It went through all this shit, and then he started threatening me, so i sent him a message and i was fucking pissed.
Then he comes moaning to tina saying shit n fucked up shit n shit.
Now he's pissed all over about that, and i wanted to know why he said this

... elaborate?
What you're gunna wanna do here is make Tina start to hate Richard...

Then after they have a very ugly break up, you slip in being the nice friend.

And beings she'll be on the rebound you'll start getting close, and eventually start going out with Tina.

It's the only way...

Life is a game, make sure the rules are in your favor.

(So this post totally makes me look like a huge prick haha)

Evil Minds in action. But he's right bud. This is like the best way you can get it to happen.

Find out what he's getting her for her birthday and buy the exact same thing, only better and more expensive.

And a cake!

And balloons!

And a camel!

Maybe not a camel unless you live in Switzerland and he's buy her some sort of mule or something...

Also get some of them relighting candle for the cake, everyone likes to blow out the candles so she'll be able to twice! :D
i learned some chat up lines today that might help u:

does this cloth smell of chlorophorm to u?
come on, you'll do
your not the best looking girl but beuty is a light switch away
im not the best looking guy but im the only one thats talking to you
you might aswell sleep with me because i'll tell all my mates you did anyway

hope these help, i tested them on an emo girl who was sent to my class. she <33 me
i learned some chat up lines today that might help u:

does this cloth smell of chlorophorm to u?

come on, you'll do
your not the best looking girl but beuty is a light switch away
im not the best looking guy but im the only one thats talking to you
you might aswell sleep with me because i'll tell all my mates you did anyway

hope these help, i tested them on an emo girl who was sent to my class. she <33 me

Always a lady killer that one !
What you're gunna wanna do here is make Tina start to hate Richard...

Then after they have a very ugly break up, you slip in being the nice friend.

And beings she'll be on the rebound you'll start getting close, and eventually start going out with Tina.

It's the only way...

Life is a game, make sure the rules are in your favor.

(So this post totally makes me look like a huge prick haha)

Lol thats terrible... You have to let Tina figure things out on her own. You can't plan out love...
wow man, selfish and overwhelmingly protective...not a really great friend, eh? I mean really a true friend is someone who lets you hang out with his/her boy/girlfriend AND give presents to, 'cause that's what real friends are. If you don't like bullshit Richard was/is giving you fuck him and find some better friends! (I give presents to everyone and I stab those who think I'm trying to get "close"...guess what? I already am and I don't have personal feeling's about my friend's girlfriends:P)