Thread of the Day Award

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Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
Right then. Ive decided that we are having a pointless / stupid / silly / good thread award. Every day (or whenever a mod has the time). We will look through all the new threads of the day and award the best one a link on this thread..... plus a mod aproval :p.

Threads that have been going on for a long time will prolly be noted here as well. :p. Its down to the mods decision as to which is there best thread of the day lol.

So keep an eye out on this thread to see whats a winner :p. IE. If you only have time to read one thread while your on make sure its the one suggested.

P.S Spam threads WILL NOT WIN lol. Makeing a totally stupid thread that has no meaning and doesent tell anything to anything wont win... infact it would just be deleted lol.

HaveFun :good:
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Hmmmm well yesterday i couldent see many fun threads :cry: so i had to go for the only one that was basicly asking for it lol. Yeah its mentals downloads thread.... A little funny but bla it wasent amazing lol.

Come on people I wana see some really juicy threads. MisterStonk one was classic. (and yes that means other mods put down what they thinks the best as well) :eek:
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Sorry i havent posted any up for a while. Ive been busy as hell. Also ive got ragezone banned at work lol. So i cant view the forums during the day and i tend to go out at night. But dont worry i will still be posting good threads as much as i can....

Found that funny lol. I havent had a read of all the threads but im trying my best. And can the other mods PLEASE help me out lol.

*cough* dident vote for myself
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