Tier 4 and 5

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 31, 2006
Reaction score
Well i have recently set my TBC server up using the ShR pack. (no SQL btw)

Ive went on Allakazahm and i got the codes, but when i .additem, it says cannon create item.

When i use .lookupitem, Nothing comes up.

Does anyone know the correct codes, or how i can fix my problem? Thanks for the help.
ahem, let me rephrase...

The tier4 and tier5 sets do not appear to be in this person's db (Weather it's corrupt, or just incomplete, we'll never know) The tier4 should be (from my understanding) be in the some of the newer DB releases, tier5 AFAIK is not in any db yet. (I could be wrong, it's been a while since last I checked)