To all Pangya Server hosters

My server at least is back up and running.
I investigated previous lawsuits that considered private servers and every single one of them was because people were making money (and im talking $100,000+) from their private servers by selling items (non-donations).

I'd say NTreev is trying to scare us because they see we can do a better job :D
We are better than Ntreev/SG first because we are NOT limited to a service contract, the rule here is: "Create, do what you want! Explore new things"
Lol, they would only take actions in servers that are getting money from that, like the Gmaniacos.

Unless you're selling stuff in private servers, i don't see why they'd bother doing anything.

This is not true,

If they found it pressing enough, or if they uncovered enough private servers to make their time, they will most definitely go after several servers.

The fact that you have a private server shows that you have in the least manipulated the client, which is a direct violation of Intellectual Property Rights, under the case action "Reverse Engineering". The fact that a server is running and as is a database, makes is just cause for them to obtain a court order to seize everything you have and sue you for Hundreds of Thousands at times, if not more. Even if your server is a custom build , it still communicates with their client, and all contents of everything you have carry a likeness to Ntreev closed :lol:

PS if you go to, or have gone to any sort of university and studied technology, you would know that :ott1:
They could sue every single private server out there now...if they wanted.
The reason that they don't do it, is because no server is making that much money or has so many players to make it even worth sueing them.
Once NTreev sees a server as a threat to their playerbase, they will probably sue them.

Just look at WoW servers and Blizzard. Do they sue servers? Yes, but only those that are worth sueing.
Honestly i had planned to set up tomorrow. Hosters beware but i'm still going for it.