

Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
woz rather shitteh the telly woz crap and i mean crap tommorow shall b betta me n me m8 goin owt getiin hammard rollll on friday nite only 8 lessons 2 go b4 a cn parteh! :)
i do 2dy woz the lamest day alll bloody week! am gonna part-e! and erm myt rock the icon nxt monday myt not get drunk get stoned
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Capricorn said:
I took the day off. lol :)
lucky swine!!!!!!!!!!where u workin now or u jus got college? bahhh spunkeh i wish i woz 8 lifes alot easier then :cry: year 8 sux ass suppose yr 9 will b evn worse!
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Capricorn said:
I'm still at college but I dunno if I'm gonna be at the end of the year.

Think I might go straight into work, I'd rather have the experience. Although I doubt anyone would take on me. lol :( Even though I'm very IT literate and not a general idiot. :)
u shud do summit wif comps! u got a a or summit in i.t didnt y forgiv me if that came owt rong i aint had me gcses
Exclamatio said:
it wasnt an insult you paranoid lil kid

and i dont give 2 shits about my post count, you on the other hand obviously do
so callin sum1 a little shit aint an insult pffffffffft an ye i woz so bothad about my post count i got a acc whith 700 posts banned rofl and a woz so bothad wen neo banned xtc wasnt a cudnt giv a shit if i had 1 post or 1000000000

ye spunkeh u hv all that bloody course work 2 do! least ur leavin in that yr tho!
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tonto, ur just lieing, no1 believes u, no1 gives u "respect" just give it up ur like 13years old, u may have the odd joint, not every fucking week and ur not getting in2 icon unless its one of those underage thing where theres no alcohol...

Also y talk about the day u had, fair enuf if u did summit important or exciting, but fs no1 cares about wot u do in ur day 2 day life.
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WHY said:
so callin sum1 a little shit aint an insult pffffffffft an ye i woz so bothad about my post count i got a acc whith 700 posts banned rofl and a woz so bothad wen neo banned xtc wasnt a cudnt giv a shit if i had 1 post or 1000000000

ye spunkeh u hv all that bloody course work 2 do! least ur leavin in that yr tho!

i didnt say you were bothered about your post count