TRANSLATED: Skills & Item Numbers

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A hard working geek :-)
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Apr 9, 2004
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West Coast, US
TRANSLATED: A3 Skills & Item Numbers

The following skills are all Scroll v1's, tested through several hours of trial and error. Will be working on a shop mod to make all skills buyable as v1 after i figure out the ULL problem with size limits :-) :thefinger

EDIT: Anyone mind giving me a hand with the ULL? havin problems figuring out the process that is used to set it up. Basically I am hoping to remove all other shops except the ones near the warehouse, and have them sell only the skill scrolls with the price of the below setting (hopefully)

EDIT: THe price limitations im going to set these at are:
LVL 4 scroll = 256
LVL 20 scroll = 160,000
LVL 50 scroll = 6,250,000
LVL 86 scroll = 54,700,816

So it will cost an arm and a leg, but saves having to go back and fight lvl 10-30 monsters for god knows how long ;P

Due to game limitations, not all skills are implemented, or they are in a completly seperate index number.. im not going through all of them :rolleyes:


10257 Strinh
10260 XHash
10263 Fraerak
10266 Spauren
10269 Rhizdaw
10272 Quirenz
10275 Freeze
10278 Fohside
10281 DeBoots
10284 Xspen
10287 Spaut
10290 Ketura
10293 Rawboots
10296 Spautherhn
10299 Precksion
10302 Dragonbust
10305 Cross swing
10308 Pelldow
10311 Ice Rush
10314 Lightning Rush
10317 Fire Rush
10320 Boomerang cutter
10323 Giant Swing
10326 Aspit

10329 Ice Arrow
10332 Ice Wind
10335 Ice Fog
10338 Ice Ranth
10341 Blizzard
10344 Ice Shadow
10347 Lightning Ball
10350 Power Thunder
10353 Energy Circle
10356 Thunder Storm
10359 Lightning Field
10362 Fury of Thor
10365 Fire Strike
10368 Fire Tornado
10371 Fire Field
10374 Meteo
10377 Dragon Breath
10380 Whisper of Hell
10385 HP Absorber
10388 MP Absorber
10391 Strip Blast

10394 Cross harsh
10397 Rizsh
10400 Stratshu
10403 Bonzpa
10406 Karazdem
10409 Shield
10412 Ice Shield
10415 Fire Shield
10418 Lightning Shield
10421 Heal
10424 Reduce
10427 Athea
10430 Warath
10433 Holy Blade
10436 Ice Blade
10439 Fire Blade
10442 Thunder Blade
10445 Resurrection
10448 Bow
10451 X hash
10454 Padish
10457 Nekten
10460 Demon Hunter
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all shops have a lmitation of 90 items ( ON ALL SHOPS ) not each shop = 90 items

2nd you need all shops , cant remove them ;)


Attrib 10329;16353;136228 till 10383;16353;136228
Non Attrib 10384;16353;136228 till 10393;16353;136228

Sword:10394;16353;136228 till 10412;16353;136228
Assist:10413;16353;136228 till 10458;16353;136228
Mace:10459;16353;136228 till 10477;16353;136228

Axe:10298;16353;136228 till 10328;16353;136228
Spear:10267;16353;136228 till 10297;16353;136228
Sword:10236;16353;136228 till 10266;16353;136228

its all codes from lvl1 to lvl3 scrolls
well, i know bout the all shops are neeed part.. i meant to remove all the items from them, and sell all scrolls

my plan would be 2 shops (1 for each city) for each class

Lvl 1 scrolls = Level^4
Lvl 2 scrolls = Level^5
Lvl 3 scrolls = Level^6

for the prices... ive already set quests up with a higher Max_level so you wont get stuck killing monsters that are too powerful for your equipment (and with 300%exp)
Sardaukar said:
well, i know bout the all shops are neeed part.. i meant to remove all the items from them, and sell all scrolls

my plan would be 2 shops (1 for each city) for each class

Lvl 1 scrolls = Level^4
Lvl 2 scrolls = Level^5
Lvl 3 scrolls = Level^6

for the prices... ive already set quests up with a higher Max_level so you wont get stuck killing monsters that are too powerful for your equipment (and with 300%exp)

There are errors on the default quests , if you want i have the quests in simplfied chinese instead of the ones we had
now THAT would help, I can work on translating them using a translator from scratch... I noticed also that ALOT of the quests need the exp and money changed.. quests from lvl 20-30 give more money and exp then alot of the 40+ quests
i think ill have to make a pot of coffee to stay up tonight going through all of these...

had to mess with a bunch of files and install a few programs to get this one working...

Can you tell me what this program is asking for? I click on the right button and it asks some chinese characters and a YES or NO option, and the left button didnt do anything... I think that it MIGHT be a way to turn the *.itm in /npc into one of the .file's there, not completly sure though, have to give it a few tests. Any translations of what the buttons are exactly could help a bit though :-)


  • MONSTEREXE - TRANSLATED: Skills & Item Numbers - RaGEZONE Forums
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I think it make monsters 10 times harder :) i don`t remember where i d/l server side, but there is the file what helps you to rise quest reward( money, lore, exp) in all quest files.

P.S. ups i was wrong :) it encreese experience for monster killing

Translated in altavista word in word :)
批量修改怪物经验 - Batch revision monster experience
保存修改 - Preserved revision
参数设置 - Parameter establishment
经验倍率 - Experience percentage
选择文件夹 - Chooses the folder
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THATS what it was.. i was freakin geting like 40k+ on newbie monsters, guess i should set that back down... soo, doesnt look like we have to increase exp server side by hexing do we?

Btw, thanks a ton for the translation :-)


To Akaruz-->

By looking through all the quests, i REALLY dont think the exp should have been changed, alot of these quests seem to be really important in the character development. If you like, send e the line you changed for the exp, ill set mine back down to 100 or whatever the origional amount was. From the program i found there (monster.exe) looks as if exp can be set to any amount needed (good for doing events in-game for players). ALso, alot of these quests i have NO idea what they mean to do,, lol.. i know a few of them require monsters to be killed by a certain skill (class set quests) and i need to figure out what class # belongs to each class (1, 2, 3). There are item finding quests where items are spawned randomly on a map ad you have to find them (not sure if they even work)

The best thing i can think, is to just code quests from scratch, all of these need redoing anyway due to it being a private server. I THINK im going to start working on my own now... just backup/delete whats here and work it from scratch.

If youve got any other ideas give a shout...
Last edited: if you know all i wright there then sorry :) I don`t have own server to check all, i checking it on A3Storm and Shadow servers :) But can you post numbers for quests where need to find spawned items.
BTW anybody can explain why when you take quest it show one, but when you reconnecting it show another?


  • quest - TRANSLATED: Skills & Item Numbers - RaGEZONE Forums
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yeah, im wondering that too... i THINK that maybe there is some type of client side quest file? I would hate to have my players have to keep lgging in and out to ge teh quests right ;\
Sardaukar said:
THATS what it was.. i was freakin geting like 40k+ on newbie monsters, guess i should set that back down... soo, doesnt look like we have to increase exp server side by hexing do we?

Btw, thanks a ton for the translation :-)


To Akaruz-->

By looking through all the quests, i REALLY dont think the exp should have been changed, alot of these quests seem to be really important in the character development. If you like, send e the line you changed for the exp, ill set mine back down to 100 or whatever the origional amount was. From the program i found there (monster.exe) looks as if exp can be set to any amount needed (good for doing events in-game for players). ALso, alot of these quests i have NO idea what they mean to do,, lol.. i know a few of them require monsters to be killed by a certain skill (class set quests) and i need to figure out what class # belongs to each class (1, 2, 3). There are item finding quests where items are spawned randomly on a map ad you have to find them (not sure if they even work)

The best thing i can think, is to just code quests from scratch, all of these need redoing anyway due to it being a private server. I THINK im going to start working on my own now... just backup/delete whats here and work it from scratch.

If youve got any other ideas give a shout...

that program exists since the beginning it sucks , there are 2 others

using that program i think it also fucks the quests ( Remember the quest of 30 levels from 70 to 100 :) )

Yes I know the quests shouldnt be changed ( experience ) thats why I sai the server should had normal XP not 30x more or 50x more

cos ppl get to level 100 and dont even know what the fuck is a upgrade stone
yup, and tahts a BIG problem, normally even at level 1 it shoudl take 2-3 quests to get to lvl 3 or 4... which is what i enjoy more in a RPG game, actually working for your lvls...
Where to enter this commands in HADES server??????????

Where to enter this commands in HADES server??????????
PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ TELLLLL MEEEEEEE:construct:drinks_no :ala: :punch: :flag_schw :jester:
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