Trouble Restoring Database from Selected File Mir2 

Newbie Spellweaver
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
On this bit i get a error msg screenshot below

9.) On the File Name box click the button saying ‘…’ and select lom2_chardb.bak from \DBServer. Then press OK a few times until the database restores

made i new daterbace called Master1 all went well intill i tryde inporting data from access 5 failed so i thort forget it ill just boot server see what happens & all gates load fine but m2server i get this

Loaded client version information and server table...
Loading StdItem.DB...
[09/02/2007 14:47:10] StartTimer exception: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection
Im just about to record me seting it up step buy step folowing the guide ill rocord my screen & then you can tell me ware im going wroung, will that be ok?
its in screenshots but if you just open & click next it wll look like its moveing :P

PartOne Installing mssql (This is ware i think i go wroung.)


If link dosent work go to then hsonline then screenshots.rar
Screenshot13 - Thats not the part where you put the sa password, you were correct in keeping it to local system

Screenshot20 - Should be mixed mode: Then just type password under where it says "Input password for sa login"

All screenshot - Why is it trial version? O_o
it was the recorder i was using was only a demo & the clip wasent good so i made them screenshots instead of the video