Troubleshooting server issues and customization options Mir2 

Jan 1, 2007
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Thanks for all your help :)

My server is now up and running and all the big bugs are now sorted.

i will release the fully working copy my data base and server files once i have cleared these last few bugs up.

1. Can not mine. Have ores in the data base, when using the pick axe on the mine it makes all the sounds but get no ores.

2.Where is the char database, i can not seem to clear the user database, as i would now like to start the server from a fresh.

3.Trust Merchant only work in BW and when you sell any item you dont get the cash for it, and there is no link then you click on the NPC to get your cash.
I'm pretty sure i just need to change the rest of the Trust Merchant scripts to be the same as the BW Trust Merchant.

4.Any one got a updated set of drop files, i dont really want to have to write drop files for all the mobs.

Also if i do have to write them myself, how do you write the drop file for evil mir? It when you kill it is spawns again.

5.I have a horse in the data base, and it looks like a candle, is there any way to use this as a horse?

6.Is there any way to make clone from mirroring cast the same spell as the wizzard?

7. I played a 2.3 server, cant remember which 1, on this server, when someone had added stats on there items it showed only the added stats in blue, and also showed how rare the item was, is there any way i can do this?

8. How do i change the items which are sold in shops?

1. i can mine with my server check see the files are setup in !setup
2. char db is in mssql/mysql
3. i cant get it to work either it takes my item and gold but no1 can buy it or cant get it bak
4. ill up load mine when im finished writing them, em just make drop files called 1 2 3 4 5 6 and put drops in them
5. horses are not coded in td source files
6. dunno
7. the added items should be blue as it is
8. change them in the merchant scripts

1. i can mine with my server check see the files are setup in !setup
2. char db is in mssql/mysql
3. i cant get it to work either it takes my item and gold but no1 can buy it or cant get it bak
4. ill up load mine when im finished writing them, em just make drop files called 1 2 3 4 5 6 and put drops in them
5. horses are not coded in td source files
6. dunno
7. the added items should be blue as it is
8. change them in the merchant scripts


1. where abouts in the setup file?
2. thanks
3. Is this just a script error?
4. evilmir1 evilemir2 etc?
7.I want just the added stats in blue, ever thing in blue.
checked the setup file and it's there

ill check mine when i get home from my g/f house. no... when em dies he sspawns mobs in the database called 1 2 3 4 5 6 these mobs are invisible. when em dies once he spawns mob 1 when he dies again he spawns 2 and so on up to 6 so create files in ur drop files called 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt and so on up to 6.txt as for the merchant i have no idea ill try work that 1 out.

email: [email protected]
msn: [email protected] add me if u want

have you sorted out all the doors in castle gi? if not i'll send u over the moment data base.

and have u sorted the door out in bdd to iwt room? cus mine isn't working.