Troubleshooting SQL LoginSrv Connection Issues Mir2 

you dont have all the db's on sql
the only db you got on sql is a partial of the char db (only the part that is subjected to change on a regular level)
having the loginserver on sql would only increase the risk of problems + as you might have noticed the old style 'txt' based db's are sort of faster then their sql counterpart
you dont have all the db's on sql
the only db you got on sql is a partial of the char db (only the part that is subjected to change on a regular level)
having the loginserver on sql would only increase the risk of problems + as you might have noticed the old style 'txt' based db's are sort of faster then their sql counterpart

:), i know txt files are faster :) i told u that 10000 times :), also i Damian relased a c++ versios of gates.....whats the difference between them and ur releases?! When i used them (damina`s c++) exacly to say the GameGate, my server runned smoother....
:), i know txt files are faster :) i told u that 10000 times :), also i Damian relased a c++ versios of gates.....whats the difference between them and ur releases?! When i used them (damina`s c++) exacly to say the GameGate, my server runned smoother....

my server runs 100% (part from i dont have enough cpu power or ram gettin sorted on tuesday) but my server runs 100% smooth
