Till the last release i used SQl LoginSrv......now it does not work anymore
how can i fix this?! thanks

you cant, i always said that using the sql loginserver was a bad idea
yes but how can i make ppl retrive thei password automaticly, or to register trough web?!
lol ripman dunno you cant i gues![]()
you dont have all the db's on sql
the only db you got on sql is a partial of the char db (only the part that is subjected to change on a regular level)
having the loginserver on sql would only increase the risk of problems + as you might have noticed the old style 'txt' based db's are sort of faster then their sql counterpart
, i know txt files are faster
i told u that 10000 times
, also i Damian relased a c++ versios of gates.....whats the difference between them and ur releases?! When i used them (damina`s c++) exacly to say the GameGate, my server runned smoother....