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[Tut] All in one tut!!

Junior Spellweaver
Nov 28, 2006
Reaction score
[TUT]__..::Yoni2's all in one TUTORIAL::..__[TUT]
I hope this tutorial going to help noobs and some advanced people.
But first read this:
I put here an sort of menu, so you can search for what you need.
ctrl+f = search.


What do you need
Compiling(must read!)
how to make staffmembers
Handy tips
Adding npc's
npc drops
Adding objects or deleting objects.
Making non-wild or wild.
Using items on objects.
Extra stuff+downloads


/\/\What do you need/\/\,
If you want to run an server you need an source.
An source is an sort of program that you can run on you computer.
In the source you can add re-edit and delete stuff.
To get an source you need to search for an good one.
1 tip: if you download one and run it you need to check it first,
no-lagg, no buggs? then you need to pick it.
I use hommiescape i think it is an imposter of rs-remake but i don't know.
There is an little bug.....dds but that one by almost every source.
download link:
Virus scan screen:
If you downloaded it you need to unpack it.
You can do that with winrar.
or .com.
Then right click -> unpack here -> open folder -> runserver or run what ever.
If it's is good the server says , hommiescape online at :43594 or something like that.
43594 is an port, an port is an sort ip adress and an ip adress is an sort code of your
For people that are using routers please port forward or people can't acces your server.
Port forwarding tut stands somewere here on forum.ragezone.com ->runescape knowledge
base or help center. It stands also on : PortForward.com . If you don't know what an router
is please learn more somewere about computer hardware....
But whatever for people without an STUPID router go to .
There stands your ip.
Now run an client.
An client is an sort game that have the hole worldmap in it.
Your source is an sort warehouse for the client to take information out.
If you want skillcapes you need to use silabclient.
the webclient is version 5 , the lates link :
Now load the client and if you didn't run the server already run it.
Now you come by a sort of login screen.
Type any name and password.
By ip the ip you getted by :
by port :43594 or what your runserver says.
now login.
You just made your server online!
If you want to make your server public, add your server with info and screens ingame
by the runescape server add zone.
I hope you know now more about this, but this was just the begin...


If you add something in your server and save the notepad you need compile after...
Compiling is and sort of putting your stuff into the system.
There is almost anyway an compiler in your server folder.
If it don't just take it from an another server xD.
If you get the error about need jdk6.0 just download it.
download link (long one) :

Thats what you need to know about compiling.



These are handy for commands and item on object use.
To make an teleport you need coordinates i got 3000 3000.
So it looks like this:
teleportToX = 3000;
teleportToY = 3000;
heightLevel = 0;
Heightlevel means how high you stand.
You can add an text to if you do something.
To yourself only or to everyone.
To make an message to the player it looks like this:
sendMessage("text here");
For all players:
PlayerHandler.messageToAll = "text here!!!";
To add an item it looks so:
To delete an item:
deleteItem(ITEMID, getItemSlot(ITEMIDAGAIN), AMOUT);
To start an animation:
To add skill exp:
I think you know now enough.
This one is very funny:
if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("boomlol")) {
pEmote = 622;
stillgfx(369, absY, absX);
stillgfx(369, absY, absX + 1);
stillgfx(369, absY, absX + 2);
stillgfx(369, absY, absX + 3);
stillgfx(369, absY, absX - 1);
stillgfx(369, absY, absX - 2);
stillgfx(369, absY, absX - 3);
stillgfx(369, absY + 1, absX);
stillgfx(369, absY + 2, absX);
stillgfx(369, absY + 3, absX);
stillgfx(369, absY - 1, absX);
stillgfx(369, absY - 2, absX);
stillgfx(369, absY - 3, absX);
sendMessage("XD a test");
Add it by commands :p.


///how to make staffmembers\\\
Go to your main folder.
Open character.
Now open the name of the character you want to make mod.
Now search there for:
character-rights = 0
0 stands for he's an normal player.
1 means admin.
2 means golden mod.
3 is just higher some servers has then an golder crown.
4 and higher, he can everything but don't have an crown,
I call them secret mods :p.


/\/\Handy tip's/\/\:
If you go add some things back-up!
If you don't like the port : 43594 go to your server folder -> open Server (the notepad
one!)-> search 43594 -> change to what you want....if the port don't work your problem
Recommed port's.
1#43594 //alot of server has this (89%?)
2#5555 //not that much server has it(7%?)
3#43595 //this one is uncool everyone thinks it means 43594....(0.0000001%?)
4#other ports...
If you don't know what to do with your server , no-ideas? Don't impost of other servers!
Don't make an payment system it is sooooooo boring then.
Copy paste way is an simply and good system to learn about coding!
Use an good server name , not like: i own ur family scape.
Listen to good knowing people on the forum like moderators.
What ever Adding npc's under these handy tips.


/\/\//\Adding npc's/\/\/\:
For those who don't know what npc's are (noobs!) , they are monsters like rats and hill
We begin with searching an good spot.
If you use the moparscape client just tick F4 and you see your coordinates.
some server has ::mypos or ::coords maybe it stands by run emotes?
Anyway open in your server folder the map called CFG. then npc.
Looks like this:
npc = 5000 None 0 0
npc = 0 Hans 0 0
npc = 1 Man 2 7
npc = 2 Man 2 7
npc = 3 Man 2 7
npc = 4 Woman 2 7
npc = 5 Woman 2 7
npc = 6 Woman 2 7
npc = 7 Farmer 7 12
npc = 8 Thief 16 17
npc = 9 Guard 21 22
Just pick one out , hill giant?
Let's first look at hans the first npc.
npc = 0 means that his npc id is 0.
hans means his name is hans...
0 means hes combat 0 or don't have one.
second 0 means his hp, how more hp , how more he hit (sample: 1000hp = 99hit lol)
Now search your hillgiant and make his life to 25 or something like that.
(hill gaint id is: 117)
If you gave him 25 lifes it looks like this
npc = 117 Hill_giant
28 25
Now save it.
Now open autospawn in CFG folder/map.
But first search coordinates in yout server (moparscape F4).
I have pick the place (coordinates)3000 3000.
If you open autospawn in CFG you see something like this:
spawn = 1 3222 3219 0 3223 3220 3221 3218
2 Man
spawn = 4 3215 3205 0 3216 3206 3214 3204
2 Woman
spawn = 1 means npc 1 spawns.
3222 means the coordinate X and 3219 coordinate Y.
0 means
3223 3220 means he walk to that spot from 3222 3219.
3221 3218 means he walk to there to.
2 means that he can walk.
look down here.
///---walking types---\\\
1 means he can't walk
2 means he can!
man means the discription you can name it jkgdfkjhf#@!#!$[/EMAIL">jkgdfkjhf#@!#!$"]jkgdfkjhf#@!#!$ if you want....
So i picked an hill giant out, hill giant id is 117 and my coordinates are 3000 3000 and
i want that it walk 2 spots away.
So this is then the result:
spawn = 117 3000 3000 0 3002 3002 2998
2998 2 HillGiant
I hope you know now how to put npcs in.


///Npc drops\\\
Go to the main folder of the server and search npchandler.
Open it.(this is an hard part).
Search for something like this:
if(npcs[NPCID].npcType == 1)
ItemHandler.addItem(275, npcs[NPCID].absX, npcs[NPCID].absY, 1, GetNpcKiller(NPCID),
int Player = npcs[NPCID].StartKilling;
client ppl = (client) server.playerHandler.players[Player];
The 1 by npctype = 1 means the npc id (man).
To search such things in your npchandler please search for something like this:
if(npcs[NPCID].npcType ==
Oke now the drop.
itemhandler.additem(275 bla bla bla means that the npoc drops 275.
Now we going to do something funny.
We let the hillgiant drop an santa hat, the code for santa hat is 1050.
And the hill giant is 117.
So it going to look like this:
if(npcs[NPCID].npcType == 117)
ItemHandler.addItem(1050, npcs[NPCID].absX, npcs[NPCID].absY, 1, GetNpcKiller(NPCID),
int Player = npcs[NPCID].StartKilling;
client ppl = (client) server.playerHandler.players[Player];
copy and paste there so it looks like it is fine.
After doing that you need to save it.
Then in your main folder you click compile.
It starting compiling and you are done.
Sometimes you need to click first c then enter.

Now we going to let the npc say something.
We pick the hillgiant (117).
Open npchandler in your main folder.
Search for something like this:
if (npcs.npcType == 1199) {
if (misc.random2(30) == 1) {

npcs.updateRequired = true;

npcs.textUpdateRequired = true;
npcs.textUpdate =
Let we make that the hill gaint says arghh.
between the "" by npcs.textUpdate = ""; you need to put an text.
So:npcs.textUpdate = "arghh";
npctype == 1199 means the npc.
hillgaint = 117.
So if you do everything it looks like this:
if (npcs.npcType == 1199) {
if (misc.random2(30) == 1) {

npcs.updateRequired = true;

npcs.textUpdateRequired = true;
npcs.textUpdate =

copy paste and you are done.
Next the shops(simple).


To make an shop you need an npc that can't be attacked but can trade an talk.
So go to npc in CFG and search for one.I've one here: 553 aubury.
Give him more lifes so he can't die by an stupid barrager.
Now save.
Set aubury somewere (READ ADD NPC IF YOU DONT KNOW HOW).
Go into client by the mainfolder.
Search for
wanneshop =
Till you find something like this:
} else if (NPCID == 521) { //rune shop
PutNPCCoords = true;
WanneShop = 19; //rune shop
if the stands IF instand of else if (npcid == bla bla bla it don't mind.
Now we need an shop id.
If you choose an number , sample:20 search first if it don't excist!!!!
so search for wanneshop = 20 up and down!.
does it excist?take a another and check first!
20 don't excist by me so we going to make the shop.
npcid = 521 means the shop is getting runned by npc 521.
We have 553 please search first if he runs and shop already.
If he does take a another npc who can't attack.
Now it going to look so with wanneshop = 20 and 553.
} else if (NPCID == 553) { //dont mind
PutNPCCoords = true;
WanneShop = 20; //dont mind
copy paste->
Were i said dont mind you can make your discription.
Now save and close.
Go to CFG and then open shops.
Paste this.
shop = 20 Your_shop_name 2 2
Put by your shop name your shop name with _.
To add stuff you need to have an item id.
I've 1050 (santa hat).
If you want to put 1050 in you need to use tab instand of space.
i'll show you an sample.
shop = 20 Your_shop_name 2 2
1050 65
65 means how many of them are in.
Now we put one more item in 4151 (abby whip).
shop = 20 Your_shop_name 2 2
1050 65 4151 100
I hope you understand now.
Save and compile.
Now look the results.


//adding objects or deleting objects\\
This one is simple
Search for something like this:
makeGlobalObject(3269, 3416, 2562, -3, 10);//Thiefing
Our sample is that one you need to search.
3269 and 3416 means the coordinates.
2562 means the object id, you can find them in your main folder or in CFG by objects i think.
-3 means the direction were they look to.
10 i don't know leave it so.
Lets make an thieving stall by coordinates 3000 3000.
The result:
makeGlobalObject(3000, 3000, 2562, -3, 10);//dunno
That was simple.
Now deleting objects.
search in client for: deletethatobject
An sample:
deletethatobject(3255, 3434); //delete table
3255 and 3434 Are the coordinates from the object.
So it's very simple if there was an object on 3000 3000 and you don't like it:
deletethatobject(3000, 3000); //dont like this object
copy paste =).
For deleting walls and doors search for : deletethatwall or deletethatdoor or something like
Same story.


//Making non-wild or wild\\
Search in client for something like this:
public boolean inSafezone
Or just search for safe or wild.
It looks like this:
if(((absX >= 2888 && absX <= 2934 && absY >= 9671 && absY <=9698)
X:2888 means the safe area start from there.
X:2934 means the safe area stops there.
Y:9671 means the safe area starts there.
Y:9698 means the safe area stops there.
So you need to make an sort of area in a sort of pentagon.
I'll show you in a selfmaded paint screen.
yoni2 - [Tut] All in one tut!! - RaGEZONE Forums

So the area starts by X:2 and end by X:13.
Starts by Y:5 end by Y:22.
So then the script is:
if(((absX >= 2 && absX <= 13 && absY >= 5 && absY <=22) ||
And so it works.


///Using items on objects\\\
If you use an item on a object there need to be something that goes work.
Maybe you get teleported or get an item.
To know that you can read BASICS , i tell you them here to.
Open client in your main folder and search:
else if(useItemID == 2363 && atObjectID == 2783)//rune
useItemID ==2363 means you use item 2363 and atobjectid == 2783 means you use it on
object 2783.
Let's make that we use an santa hat on an crate.
santa = 1050 and crate = 0.
What need to going to be?
I was thinking on that if you use it on it you get 1.5M and the santa goes away.
Then it looks so:
else if(useItemID == 1050 && atObjectID == 0)//boom
addItem(995, 1500000);
sendMessage("Your santa was gone and
1.5M cames up");
You can add it if you want.


To make commands you need to know the basics.
If you know them , let's begin.
Open client in your mainfolder.
search for an command the most servers have :pickup , mypos , char , maxme , master ,
money , cash , barrows , dragon.
An command looks like this:
if (command.startsWith("key") && playerRights >= 1) {
addItem(991, 1);
&& playerrights >= 1 means that you need to have playerrights 1 thats an admin.
By add item 991, 1 You need to do your things.
Just make your command and paste it in.
By basics i gave you one.
Here you have one nice command:
if (command.startsWith("phats") && playerRights >= 1) {
addItem(1039, 1000);
addItem(1041, 1000);
addItem(1043, 1000);
addItem(1045, 1000);
addItem(1047, 1000);
addItem(1049, 1000);
addItem(963, 1000);

////Extra stuff + downloads\\\\

7 compilers or 6 dunno:


This was the hole tutorial made by yoni2 ,
i've learned 99% on ragezone and 1% on mopar.
Now you need to learn by yourself by looking at the scripts.
Maybe your client has npcwannetalk.
I'm busy with learning that stuff.
If there any words in my tut that are wrong or there miss something say it to me.
Thanks for reading my tut.
Last edited:
Junior Spellweaver
Nov 28, 2006
Reaction score
Re: [TUT]All in one tut!![TUT]


Please leave a message if this worked.
And leave a message if there is staying something wrong.

If something doesn't work say it please
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
Re: [TUT]All in one tut!![TUT]

Lol it's all good now. I actually liked this tutorial than any other ones and this is my favorite because its long and with coding and set-up server stuff.. It should help for noobs to code and set-up server in this tutorial ^_^
The light can't stop me.
Loyal Member
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
Re: [TUT]All in one tut!![TUT]

:/ .. You should edit it with "---" when your doing another TuT..
The light can't stop me.
Loyal Member
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
Re: [TUT]All in one tut!![TUT]

Like for example;

1 Tut here


2nd tut here


3rd tut here

The light can't stop me.
Loyal Member
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
Re: [TUT]All in one tut!![TUT]

much better thanks.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
Re: [TUT]All in one tut!![TUT]

not bad but insted of --- ---- i suggest Code tags pls :) makes it easier on noobs :)
Initiate Mage
May 18, 2007
Reaction score
Re: [TUT]All in one tut!![TUT]

When I Open Run.bat It Says: Exception In Thread "main" java.lang.noclassdeffounderror:sever press any key to continue... when i press any key it goes away what's Going On?
The light can't stop me.
Loyal Member
May 25, 2007
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Re: [TUT]All in one tut!![TUT]

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
Re: [TUT]All in one tut!![TUT]

where i download it ??
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Re: [TUT]All in one tut!![TUT]

what folder do i find or put it in?

teleportToX = 3000;
teleportToY = 3000;
heightLevel = 0;
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Re: [TUT]All in one tut!![TUT]

i put stuff in and nothing goes in y?
The light can't stop me.
Loyal Member
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
Re: [TUT]All in one tut!![TUT]

It says Files.. Look.