• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[TUT]No-ip setup

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Jul 5, 2010
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hi all ,first of all i want to say that i do not speak english very well and i might have some gramatical errors.
Let's get started:so you have made your own loong online private server on your home pc and you want other to join so that you can have some fun.today i will show you how to do it using no-ip.

DO NOT modify any ip adress in the server config,leave them as they are.

1.Go to and make an account.
2.After that press Add a host ,there you can choose any name you want for your server.and press create host.
3.Download the no-ip client and install it on your pc.
4.Start no-ip client(DUC 3.0) login with your account adn select your host from the list.
5.For my client i used a .bat launcher which i borrowed from other mmo.U need to put the .bat launcher inside your Loong online/client path,but first u need to edit it and insert your own host( the one you made on no-ip website).
6.Start the client by double clicking the .bat launcher and that is all.

You can find the launcher in the attachment area below.

I hope it will help you.Don't forget to like if it has.


lol i cant understand it =.=
you release a guide how to make a NO-IP account 0.0 thats stupid ...
you didn't show where to put the NO-IP Address inside the server side configs so how is that helping me 0,0
people cant login to me using local...
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