• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[Tut] Setting Up Loong Server

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Yes, it's really me
Sep 30, 2006
Reaction score
Files Needed
Server Files

Can use IIS if you like also but my guide will use Apache

1.Setup MySQL
2.Setup Navicat and Create New databases named apexdb, gmdb, login, loong_base and loong_log
3.Restore database With the SQL Scripts located in the SQL folder(will be DBname.sql where DBname is replace with the database you're restoring)
4.Edit rtservice.ini
port = 4221 ;与GMServer通讯端口

path = Path\To\Server\Files ;服务端可执行文件路径
world_name = LoongWorld.exe ;世界服务器文件名
login_name = LoginServer.exe ;登陆服务器文件名
db_name = LoongDB.exe ;DB服务器文件名
5.Run rtservice-install.bat
6.Start Server LoginServer.exe > LoongBillServer.exe > LoongDB.exe > LoongWorld.exe(all located in the folder named server in the server files RAR)
7.Create an account in Navicat in the login database go to table account and add a user psd is the password(123456 = 520517AB8842B69535D10E4B3DA8188B).

[Server Side]
1.Install Apache
2.Copy pathinfo.txt and serverinfo.xml from the folder the Loong Server RAR) to your apache httpdocs folder(default is I think C:\program files\Apachee Software Foundation\Apache(versonnumber)\httpdocs)
4.Edit the IP in Serverinfo.xml to your loongserver IP( for local).
[Client Side]
1.Edit launcher.ini in the Client(in the launcher folder)
LocalLauncher =1.0.5
LocalGame =
PatchInfo = http://your webserver ip/patchinfo.txt
ServerInfo = http://your webserver ip/serverinfo.xml
2.Save it,and start launcher to start game.
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Here is a link for the client "http://www.45uu.net/soft/html/344.html"
to avoid problems of syntax to open with 7zip
I have a little problem with your tutorial at a time when you edit the file called serverinfo.xml in "loongserver" unfortunately there did not I find a folder and are already set up and I put the folder in the httpdocs patchinfo. Are you talking about the same or are there would be another has changed.
whether or find it and put it above or?

i'm sorry for my english i did my best :p
I have a little problem with your tutorial at a time when you edit the file called serverinfo.xml in "loongserver" unfortunately there did not I find a folder and are already set up and I put the folder in the httpdocs patchinfo. Are you talking about the same or are there would be another has changed.
whether or find it and put it above or?

i'm sorry for my english i did my best :p

4.Edit the IP in Serverinfo.xml to your loongserver IP( for local).?

This is all I can think you could be asking about >_< and you need to edit the IP for the server in the file named Serverinfo.xml... its with patchinfo.ini in the same folder
np if you need any more help I'm here :P but you really should work on your English as your a bit hard to understand
Ok and sorry again for my English

In fact my problem is that I not join my server
I enter my login and password
but nothing happens yet I have everything set up well
I followed your tutorial properly and visit every comment on this server
My server starts fine without any error
the only difference is the password of the database that I change
anyway I do not know what to do :(
Tbh early on I was able to log in but now my own copy fails server verification xD Idk what I fucked up to do it lmao but I'm guessing you did the same...

Probably not something with the guide though since I have only edited files since this xD haven't changed the db setup at all that i can remember xD
Yes I've tried this with your files and can't seem to log into the server no matter what. Hopefully you can figure this out though, I enjoy the cleaned up ones much better.
It's possible I included the wrong database with my files >_<" I have every released database and i'm not 100% sure I checked these before I put them in my release

I'll check my files again and if there wrong I'll re upload them + a patch with the correct SQL files
i actually tried your cleaned files last night and could login with them no problem, the issue i had with them is that the loongworld you provided closes after a few minutes on me so im using the loongworld.exe who doesnt allow you to relogin. other than that the files seem to work fine for me.
Hmm yeh I tried all the older released files and had issues with logging in no matter what I tried... possible i'm using the wrong client now.. I had multiple clients

can you link me to the client you are using to log in
The one you are using logs in fine?

I THINK the one that I used that worked was but i cant be sure since i renamed all the installers and deleted a couple lol

>_> for a few more days i'll be using my campus internet still but after that i'll be able to do alot more deving
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