Files Needed
Server Files
2.Setup Navicat and Create New databases named apexdb, gmdb, login, loong_base and loong_log
3.Restore database With the SQL Scripts located in the SQL folder(will be DBname.sql where DBname is replace with the database you're restoring)
4.Edit rtservice.ini
5.Run rtservice-install.bat
6.Start Server LoginServer.exe > LoongBillServer.exe > LoongDB.exe > LoongWorld.exe(all located in the folder named server in the server files RAR)
7.Create an account in Navicat in the login database go to table account and add a user psd is the password(123456 = 520517AB8842B69535D10E4B3DA8188B).
1.Install Apache
2.Copy pathinfo.txt and serverinfo.xml from the folder the Loong Server RAR) to your apache httpdocs folder(default is I think C:\program files\Apachee Software Foundation\Apache(versonnumber)\httpdocs)
4.Edit the IP in Serverinfo.xml to your loongserver IP( for local).
[Client Side]
1.Edit launcher.ini in the Client(in the launcher folder)
2.Save it,and start launcher to start game.
Server Files
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
Can use IIS if you like also but my guide will use ApacheServer
1.Setup MySQL 2.Setup Navicat and Create New databases named apexdb, gmdb, login, loong_base and loong_log
3.Restore database With the SQL Scripts located in the SQL folder(will be DBname.sql where DBname is replace with the database you're restoring)
4.Edit rtservice.ini
port = 4221 ;与GMServer通讯端口
path = Path\To\Server\Files ;服务端可执行文件路径
world_name = LoongWorld.exe ;世界服务器文件名
login_name = LoginServer.exe ;登陆服务器文件名
db_name = LoongDB.exe ;DB服务器文件名
6.Start Server LoginServer.exe > LoongBillServer.exe > LoongDB.exe > LoongWorld.exe(all located in the folder named server in the server files RAR)
7.Create an account in Navicat in the login database go to table account and add a user psd is the password(123456 = 520517AB8842B69535D10E4B3DA8188B).
[Server Side]1.Install Apache
2.Copy pathinfo.txt and serverinfo.xml from the folder the Loong Server RAR) to your apache httpdocs folder(default is I think C:\program files\Apachee Software Foundation\Apache(versonnumber)\httpdocs)
4.Edit the IP in Serverinfo.xml to your loongserver IP( for local).
[Client Side]
1.Edit launcher.ini in the Client(in the launcher folder)
LocalLauncher =1.0.5
LocalGame =
PatchInfo = http://your webserver ip/patchinfo.txt
ServerInfo = http://your webserver ip/serverinfo.xml
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