• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[Tut] Setting Up Loong Server

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hmh cant log in again now with china client can someone pls help me? here i have a screen -->

and i have try some diff. acc and when i start LoongWorld.exe he shut down behind 5min without any error
any idea?


Iam online yippi :) sry but i am noob and i will learn by do :) now well done :)))
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Everything's ok except when I restart the computer (after install rtservice) there's a warning can't find port service in var_container and if I ignore it I can still play but all the item reset after I log out, is there a solution for this port service missing ?
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-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `fatigue_time`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `fatigue_time`;
; <--- Not suppose to be there.

yo right.., but im stiil canot login to game..
if i ry longword.ece has ben closed.. and back tu launcher screnn
Launcher screen? You have to run it like this :


Wait a bit for LoongWorld.exe to start up. It can take up to a minute depending on what system you have. ( Sometimes it will say "Not Responding", but just leave it, it will start up. )

then you run your game launcher or use client.exe in client folder to start the game.
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yes .. and until recently I could not play the game .. even to enter the login though ..
there may be errors in the file loong_login fatigue <<does not have a table. try to check the server log file folder
My Bad ENglish i use translate Google hihih :blushing:

Read 5 records from file<data/system/attdata/pet_wuxing_proto.xml>!
Read 2 records from file<data/system/attdata/vip_netbar_gift_proto.xml>!
Read 2 records from file<data/system/attdata/vip_netbar_equip_proto.xml>!
Read 20 records from file<data/system/attdata/motion_proto.xml>!
Read 8 records from file<data/system/attdata/lessing_loong.xml>!
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map a01
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map a02
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map m01
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map m06_1
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map m18
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map m21
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map m22
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map m44
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map m101
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map m102
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map m103
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map m104
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map m106
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map q01
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map q02
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map q03
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map q05
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map q06
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map q07
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map q08
Can't find the reborn waypoint of the map q09
Get Local Wan IP Failed!
system code:1403 Invalid accelerator table handle.
err returned 0
This server may have some problems!

-- Table structure for `fatigue_time`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `fatigue_time`;
Where Is Table..????:?:

AND THIS MY LOG Login server

Error: 1146
Reason: Table 'login.fatigue_time' doesn't exist
Sql: select accountname_crc,acc_online_time,acc_offline_time from fatigue_time
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here some fixed SQL files :

(fatigue_time & vip_netbar)

ty.. i will try now..:thumbup1:

Stel can't login to game..:grr:
EDIT .. .............

now I understand, the problem is in the database is less complete, less loong_dbase 2-3 tablle
1. fatigue is on loong_login, and the database which i can not exist
2. loong_dbase files do not have strength_rankings table and external links are also VIP_netbar, so we have to enter it manually.
now server is the way and I can enter the game. but 1. another problem emerged. when I try to open the file rtservice.ini ..
out massage like this couldn't find <port service> in var container ..

does anybody know the solution ...???


  • eroor - [Tut] Setting Up Loong Server - RaGEZONE Forums
    7.4 KB · Views: 73
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Sorry I'm a noob to all this, I found all the other sql database files, but I can't find the apexdb, where's it at?

This was from a very old release that I found. I'm not sure how complete it is.
Here it is anyway - :tongue:
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This was from a very old release that I found. I'm not sure how complete it is.
Here it is anyway - :tongue:

Thanks for the help there, now I was having a problem starting the login, lemme get a screenie


  • error - [Tut] Setting Up Loong Server - RaGEZONE Forums
    80.6 KB · Views: 223
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