• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[Tut] Setting Up Loong Server

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Goto your server folder -> data then replace your local, system and ui folders with these -

Also, make sure you are running all those exe's as administrator.
(Right-click -> Run as administrator)

Let's see if that will fix your problem.
how much ram does this game take? as i only have 2 ram...
You should be able to play on 2GB ram, as long as you close all your other programs.

The servers use about 900mb on my machine and then the game another 400-500mb.

---------- Post added at 07:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 AM ----------

Add link to client files please.
Use the one from loong.cultureandchaosmmo.com (just remember to take the client.exe from another version)
I tried it and it works best for me. I tried the official one, update it and then make it english again, but then I get all sorts of errors :[

For all moderators, I am in no way affiliated with c&c, so I don't feel the above is advertising, it is my true honest opinion that their client is the easiest way to get started as I have tried the 001.cpk deploy and then convert back to english, didn't work.
The attached image shows that the server was successfully set up, right?
Or there's something wrong?
If yes, then, still I cannot connect to my server even tho used the patch files from Kreeate.
Refer to: http://forum.ragezone.com/f669/cant-connect-server-741672/

Those who are able to run their server properly & connected successfully, please guide me. ^^


  • 2011-04-09_10-54_LoongBillServer - [Tut] Setting Up Loong Server - RaGEZONE Forums
    59.4 KB · Views: 81
Have you got nginx set up and running? Have you put the patchinfo.txt and serverinfo.xml files in the html folder in nginx?

Check to see if your config files match mine :

Make sure you have the same here in login.ini

HuninHune - [Tut] Setting Up Loong Server - RaGEZONE Forums

If anyone else would like to try and help, please fee l free :thumbup:
Im using XAMPPLITE and put the xml & txt file into htdocs\ directory.

My Config seems to match yours.

Still getting connection to server failed.
Used the Gamingo client (not patched).
Then patched it with the client files you provided.

Tested to connect using client from C&C. No avail as well.


  • 2011-04-09_12-56_login - [Tut] Setting Up Loong Server - RaGEZONE Forums
    17.6 KB · Views: 74
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I'm at a loss then. Maybe delete all your log files in server folder and start your server. Then try to login to game. Let the errors happen. Go check your log files or even post the logfiles here ( rar or zip them all ).

EDIT : Also try this. Make a new account in Navicat. Name : test Pass : 9D5EFA66C7DD0B12826E09E32A6A9D64
Pass is also test

HuninHune - [Tut] Setting Up Loong Server - RaGEZONE Forums
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Its not database related as IT cannot connect to the server error.
There's something wrong with the configuration in my opinion which I happen not to find what caused it.

Because if its database problem (account problem), it should appear, account invalid.

The problem is the client not connecting to the servers WHILE the servers are 100% connecting to each other + connecting 100% to the database.
have you tried configuring serverinfo.xml in your launcher folder? thats the file that instructs the game which ip to connect to

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<item name="Taishan" worldid="100101" borogh="EU" boroughrank="0" ip="" port="4200" state="51" recommend="1" worldrank="" recorank="1" greenflag="" />
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