• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online

Staff member
Oct 8, 2006
Reaction score
Today's tutorial will focus on setting up a Localhost or Online instance of Dragonball online
using the AKCore server.


Very few things are needed for compiling the server.

  1. A MySQL Database
  2. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate
  3. (This is a 70% translated version of it)
  4. (This is to see text correctly)

At this point I am going to assume you have already installed your database software, visual studio, and the MySQL connectors, and you have downloaded AKCore and Boost.

Extract the AKCore software to someplace easy to navigate to IE:"C:\AKCore"

SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums

Copy your everything from INSIDE your boost download to Server/NtlDatabase/mysql/boost When your boost folder looks like this it is correct.
SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums

SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums

Next in the NtlDatabase folder open mysql_wrapper.h and change the IP_SERVER_ALL to your external IP if you are setting it up for an online instance. otherwise change it to

SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums

Now select the Debug/win32 configurations and compile.
Congrats you are done with this section

SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums


Create a new database called dbo in your MySQL instance.(Must be named DBO)
SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums

import the SQL file from the SQL folder.
SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums

Create your first account by manually entering it in your accounts table.
SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums

NOTE:Currently you need to have an account called root@localhost for the stored procedures to work. You can change this by changing your definer to anyusername@host combination.

You can do this in navicat like this
SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums

Or change your definers to username @ localhost like so
do that for all your functions if you dont want to have an access anywhere account to spoof your functions.

SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums


Now that you have everything compiled you can setup your server.
Go into the debug folder in the root directory (AKCore) there is only 1 file you need to edit: Server.ini

Set it to whatever your ip is on your network 192.168.1.xxx or whatever the case may be.
If you arent using online setup you can leave it as

Set your database credentials in this file as well. If your root account has no password use NULL for the password

SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums

If you are making an online server. Make sure you have the ports in your config file forwarded in your router Each router is different so it is up to you to determine how to forward the ports. Afterwards Run the file RunServers.Bat and your servers are running congratulations.

SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums

Now lets get in game shall we?

Client Configuration

Client configuration is very easy
Set your ConfigOptions.xml

so it looks like this
<?xml version="1.0"?><config_options>
    <op ver="0.1" ip="YOUR_LOCAL_OR_EXTERNAL_IP" port="YOUR AUTHSERVER PORT"/>
    <local ver="0.1" local_dsp="Language\local_data.dat" local_sync_dsp="Language\local_sync_data.dat"/>
    <BUGTRAP ip="YOUR_LOCAL_OR_EXTERNAL_IP" port ="YOUR AUTHSERVER PORT + 1" folder="DBO Client(CJI_Release)" />

Run your client and have fun!

SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums

SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums

SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums

SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums

SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums

and have fun.

Credits to Everyone who is helping us make AKCore.
Current list of contributors current and past in no particular order: @ATIDOT3 @Daneos @luiz45 @kalisto2002 @Jupeyy @NicoElPatron @
Nicolas321 Madrid252

@Biesmen Is this a good qualifier for the 1 year sub :)
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online using hamachi ip i try local host still wont work.I believe it has something to do with my ports ill try changing them.
also forgot to show this
SanGawku - [Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online - RaGEZONE Forums
This is not for hamachi. You have to compile IP_SERVER_ALL with either your external ip you can get from whatsmyip.org
Or, But what this looks like is a client configuration error.

As you would see in the authserver that you have connected to it.
Please either use Online(without hamachi) or localhost only.

Make sure your configuration in server.ini is correct and your ports are forwarded correctly for online usage/
@kalisto2002 everyrhing workks good but I have problem wit this error after 5 min 'playing' any idea wht is a problem and how to fix it --
Your error is cause your ip is wrong inside your server.ini. Dont bother changing your ports use your networked ip or for your ports and maybe that will work for you cause i dont know how hamachi works.

As for you @apofis try doing it with localhost and play for 5 minutes see if you still get the same error.
Remember this source code is in constant development. And we make commits daily. Try just playing around on localhost I am pretty sure this error has something to do with it being online but wasn't present a week or so ago. I will go through the code and see what has changed to cause this.
Ok gonna try now.. You see the problem is whn i die in game whn mobs kill me i press respawn and char respawn and then after 30 sec GameServer crash and show me that error... But whn i don't die same error - GameServer show me that error but after 5 - 10 min playing..
mine are this -
end on configopt are this -
Dont set your bugtrap to your gameserver port. that is probably what is causing your crashes. Set it to 20201

Btw the configuration is literally setup for localhost already. Compile, Put in db info, play.
Online doesnt take much. If you are not correctly configuring your server. YOU have done something wrong.
Erase the server folder and start again from boost installation.
I change port in 20201 and sam error whn mobs kill me and i respawn after 15 sec that GameServer error shows. :/ maybe its a problem in that visual studio 10.0 hmm ??? idk realy

We have alot of shit in the code like that. I am glad to see you got it working @kidunseen

Now everyone rep me and everyone ask Biesmen to give me that one year HAHA!
*this post is not actually asking people for rep. just the ones who think i deserve it should probably rep my initial post :)
Nice :D , now can u tell me whn mob kill u and u press respawn do u get any error after 30 sec?? or u can continue playing normal?
I use DNS redirect[server No-IP] to put it online without hamachi, that program have limitation of users, I hate hamachi xDDDDD
Only you need configure this:
mysqlconn_wrapper.h: [VS2010 edit and compile]


in server.ini: [Debug directory]

[Auth Server]
Address =
Port = 20200
[Char Server]
Address =
Port = 20300
[Chat Server]
Address =
Port = 20400
[Game Server]
Address =
Port = 30001

If configure doesn`t connect online, only can connect in Inetrnal LAN but Database works with (i make some tests you can put but is the same :) )

in client ConfigOptions.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?><config_options><op ver="0.1" ip="YOUR_DNS" port="20200"/><local ver="0.1" local_dsp="Language\local_data.dat" local_sync_dsp="Language\local_sync_data.dat"/><BUGTRAP ip="YOUR_DNS" port ="20201" folder="DBO Client(CJI_Release)" /></config_options>

And that its all

I use this config and runs :)
Happy Testing!!