• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[Tutorial] AKCore setup from start to ingame and online

i cant see the animations also cant buy items well you can but its not stored in inventory playing around(i could add the items in navicat but idk the id of items) with it found a lot of problems if only i knew how to add the new updates files.

- - - Updated -nvm
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@kidunseen WTF u did? where is the rest of file? you can't do only delete all! get on our github!
by the way i've tested and yeah you can buy item's (kokara village,central village,etc..")
but for now he only store at your first inventory(only first if you get another inventory and try add...you gonna lost it)
get our last update on github
Actually they can't see cause they have a release client Luiz and the release client is buggy as shot no animations and no buying from shops
You need the debug exe to see effects/animations, and for working shopbuy. Give me just a few man and ill upload it.
If you guys still need help I offer you my help to set it up for 20$ paypal or bitcoins. Just send me a pm
i give you 10.000 british pounds as gift if you make working function 100% on this data. 1.tmq 1 2.ud 3.dungeon 4.quest + reward 5.monster correct agro 6.items .buy.sell.ubgrade 7.all function guild party 8.pvp .pve and many more you have 30days from now go and good luck
i give you 10.000 british pounds as gift if you make working function 100% on this data. 1.tmq 1 2.ud 3.dungeon 4.quest + reward 5.monster correct agro 6.items .buy.sell.ubgrade 7.all function guild party 8.pvp .pve and many more you have 30days from now go and good luck
We are already working on this. for free.
If you need help, create a topic in the Help Section. Read every section's rules.

I will infract and remove every reply if it contains a question regarding errors, how-to's and requests.
This is cause of the monsterlist. Sometimes when a mob is removed it still moves past the last object in the list. so BOOM