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[Tutorial] Common errors - troubleshooting

Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Common IssuesWhy does my server show offline?

First make sure you've added your server into the database. You can do so with the code below.
INSERT INTO cohauth.dbo.server (id, name, ip, inner_ip, ageLimit, pk_flag, server_group_id) VALUES (1, 'Paragon', 'EXTERNAL IP', 'INTERNAL IP', 0, 0, 1);
INSERT INTO cohauth.dbo.worldstatus (idx, status) VALUES (1, 1);

Why does my AuthServer say "Non-registered world server X.X.X.X"?

Make sure the server is in the cohauth and set to online with the following queries

INSERT INTO cohauth.dbo.server (id, name, ip, inner_ip, ageLimit, pk_flag, server_group_id) VALUES (1, 'Paragon', 'EXTERNAL IP', 'INTERNAL IP', 0, 0, 1);

INSERT INTO cohauth.dbo.worldstatus (idx, status) VALUES (1, 1);

Why does my AuthServer keep opening an ODBC window asking for a username and password?

Make sure AuthDB.dsn was saved into the Documents folder, or move it there and then restart the AuthServer.

Why does my DBServer say "login failed for user sa" when starting?

Most likely you've entered the string wrong in servers.cfg(i25 Server.cfg) or another file.It could be that the sa account is still disabled as well. Double check SMSS to verify.If you've entered it correctly make sure restarted the service after the changes from the guide.

Why does my DBServer say "invalid login to DBServer" when I try to join my server?

Most likely you forgot to change the launch parameters of your client when you moved away from using NoAuth.

-patchdir score -patchversion 2019.04.19 -auth IPOFYOURSERVER -noversioncheck

My AuctionServer is running but why players can't list items?

Most likely your auction_server.cfg is incorrect.

SqlDbName cohauc
SqlLogin "DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Uid=sa;Pwd=YOURL33TPASS;"

Start AuctionServer64.exe

Why is my MapServer displaying popups?

Most likely your servers.cfg(i25 Server.cfg) is set to -filedebug. Change to this -nopopup to no longer see windows from it.

How can I prevent MapServer from getting popups that prevent loading until acknowledged?

Add this to servers.cfg(i25 Server.cfg):

MapServerParams "-nopopup"

Why aren't my Architect Missions aren't publishing?

Most likely you are missing the "missionserver" folder. Create one in the root of your server directory and start MissionServer again. For me this is C:\COH\missionserver.

What configuration files do I need to create?

You need to create auction_server.cfg(i25 auction_server.cfg),
account_server.cfg(i25 account_server.cfg),
chat_server.cfg(i25 chat_server.cfg), and
servers.cfg(i25 Server.cfg).

What Operating System do I need to host this?

So far users have tried many different combinations without issue!

Below are a few of the most common.

Operating systems

Windows 2012 Server R2
StandardWindows 2016
Server StandardWindows 2019
Server StandardWindows 10 Home
Windows 10 Professional
Windows 7SQL


Server 2017 Express
SQL Server 2017 Dev Edition
SQL Server 2012

Why is i25 using the wrong network adapter?

If you have two NICs you might find that the i25 is using the wrong one. Some users have performed a hex edit to MapServer to correct this.

Why am I getting an error when trying to setup the AuthDB?

Most likely it is a named piped issue. The article below has helped a few users.
SQL Error 08001

When I run AuthServer.exe I get an error about config.txt

The fix for this is pretty straight forward. For some reason you are missing config.txt.
This file for me is in c:\coh\etc\config.txtconfig.txt

How do I add AuthServer to the Community VM?

  • Open up ODBC Data Sources.
  • Click File DSN then click add to the right.
  • Choose ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server.
  • Click Next.
  • Enter AuthDB into the box and hit next then finish.
  • It will then say something like ‘Which SQL Server would you like to connect to?’Type localhost\SQLEXPRESS and hit next.
  • Choose with SQL Auth enter sa into username and the password you use previously.
  • Tick choose change default database to and select cohauth and hit next.
  • After this hit finish then ‘Test Data source’ this will test the auth database connection to your main database.
  • Next you need to update your servers.cfg(i25 Server.cfg).
  • It should currently look like below code.

DBServer 18717
ShardName ShardName
//AuthServer 2104
DefaultAccessLevel 0
NoStats 1
UseFakeAuth 1

Change to look like the below code:

DBServer 18717
ShardName ShardName
AuthServer 2104
DefaultAccessLevel 0
NoStats 1
//UseFakeAuth 1

Start AuthServer.exe and update your game icon to use -auth vs -db.