[Tutorial] ENABLING Maiet Logo

Junior Spellweaver
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
Hey Yall,

I decided to post this as alot of people need it.
I created this tutorial and no one else, I made it out of requests.

[Tutorial] Enabling the maiet logo.
by DylanNIRVANA.

1) Open your disabled maiet logo runnable with ollydbg.
2) Search for all referanced text strings.
3) Search for 'maiet_logo'
4) Hit enter when found.
5) Go up 34 lines of code.
6) Change the line you are currently on to: JMP DWORD PTR DS: [EAX*4+447D48]
Make sure Fill With NOPS is enabled!
7) Hit Okay
8) Save your runnable.

This tutorial was completely made by me.

If you can't get the Custom Login Maps to work(posted by RepublicOfAstra) Then enabling this will make the camera go from camera pos 1 to camera pos 2.

You can edit the logo that appears also, Which is inside one of the .mrs's.

Please, do not claim as your own.
Last edited:

Just read the tutorial.
To go up: Directional Keys
To Replace Code: Highlight code and hit enter
To save: right click --> Save exectuable --> All modifications --> (New Window) Right Click --> Save File --> Choose where to save.
Yeh lol,
hey Mem.

You can put your own pic in but its hard.
You need to put the parts of ur pic in the right place.
The current MAIET_logo is held in default.mrs
Okay, no one should have to do this, but I'm gonna drag this out a little...

1) Open your disabled maiet logo runnable with ollydbg.

Open Olly, click open, double click gunz.exe

2) Search for all referanced text strings.

In the main CPU window, right click -> search (find w/e) -> all referenced text strings

3) Search for 'maiet_logo'

Right click in the new window -> search for text -> type in maiet_logo

4) Hit enter when found.

With the maiet_logo line highlighted, press enter

5) Go up 34 lines of code.

Push up 34 times... not hard

6) Change the line you are currently on to: JMP DWORD PTR DS: [EAX*4+447D48]

Double click the line that is highlighted after step 5 and paste that in.

Make sure Fill With NOPS is enabled!
(check fill with NOP's)

7) Hit Okay

Click assemble... AKA "OK"

8) Save your runnable.

To save: right click --> Save exectuable --> All modifications --> (New Window) Right Click --> Save File --> Choose where to save.

Not taking any credit, should be no more questions on this topic...
8) Save your runnable.

To save: right click --> Save exectuable --> All modifications --> (New Window) Right Click --> Save File --> Choose where to save.


Right click in the main CPU window -> copy to exectuable -> all modifications. A new window will come up, click copy all or w/e. A new window will appear. Right click in the NEW window and click save file, find a place to save it and save it.
