[Tutorial] How to edit Groups/Itemgroups Properly!

Junior Spellweaver
Mar 13, 2007
Reaction score
Groups/Itemgroups LESSON 1

OK I will explain in a small group, it should be enough to make you understand.

(group (index 101) (money (500 200)) (item (500 443 0) (450 47 0)))

(group <-- Open a group
(index 101) <-- Group Index (unique number)
(money (500 200)) <-- Will make your monster drop geons, 50% of chance to drop 200 geons. ( 500 /10 = 50 and this will be the percentage)
(item <-- In other words we can say this will make your monster drop a item.
(500 443 0) <-- So you
Re: [Guide] How to edit Groups/Itemgroups Properly!

EDIT: ANSWER to XxC, doesnt make sence since he deleted his post to make himself look Almighty now.

0.1- No thats on initmonster (itemgroup 120 69) <--- Will drop 69 times

1- I wont answer this since is alreaddy explained on this guide.

(itemgroup (index 90) (group (500 169) (520 287) (600 321) (615 543)))

Theres your group.
So you go look monsters and find it - Knight of the Traitor's Hangout (Knight)
(monster (name 147) (index 147) (country 2) (race 1) (level 72) (ai 2) (range 32) (sight 200 320) (exp 20600) (itemgroup 90 2)

3. Find the mobs itemgroups and make them drop o.O

4. etc.txt add this
;5-> 6
(portal (country 0) (from 4 80 2000 100 2200) (to 4 20154 68260 31775))
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Re: [Guide] How to edit Groups/Itemgroups Properly!

Gr8 pacd ^^ sooo nice guide like it " as i was gonna to make the same ;) but urs rules "
Re: [Guide] How to edit Groups/Itemgroups Properly!

;-D Ty NOOR, im making a tool to manage groups, but my time isnt much latly so i hope ill release it soon.
Re: [Guide] How to edit Groups/Itemgroups Properly!

pacd said:
(group (index 101) (money (500 200)) (item (500 443 0) (450 47 0)))

(group <-- Open a group
(index 101) <-- Group Index (unique number)
(money (500 200)) <-- Will make your monster drop geons, 50% of chance to drop 200 geons. ( 500 /10 = 50 and this will be the percentage)
(item <-- In other words we can say this will make your monster drop a item.
(500 443 0) <-- So you
Re: [Guide] How to edit Groups/Itemgroups Properly!

If you make a new item like index8888 (a coin or something) and you let it drop by a monster ... , you can make it that it only drops if your on the quest?
Re: [Guide] How to edit Groups/Itemgroups Properly!

u still need the itemgroup and the group indexes but the actual way to make it drop on quest only is by imputting in the quest field
Re: [Guide] How to edit Groups/Itemgroups Properly!

Actually your 1st post is incorret

(group (index 101) (money (500 200)) (item (500 443 0) (450 47 0)))

Item 443 - 25% - Why 25%?
Item 47 - 11% - Why 11%?

for a dropgroup to have the chances you have given in example it should be:

(group (index 101) (money (500 200)) (item (750 443 0) (860 47 0)))

as in your example only money will drop.

so how about getting your facts right before you slam someone else's work

My feedback: Worthless guide.
Re: [Guide] How to edit Groups/Itemgroups Properly!

Actually your 1st post is incorret


for a dropgroup to have the chances you have given in example it should be:

(group (index 101) (money (500 200)) (item (750 443 0) (860 47 0)))

as in your example only money will drop.

so how about getting your facts right before you slam someone else's work

I’m delight that you can formulate a group! Clap Clap!

The idea of this guide is not to give any precious drop rate.
The idea is to make people understand how the probabilities should work in them.
I used those values for easy understanding (everyone know's how much is 50% of something) not to make a good drop rate!

Thanks for your comment.
Re: [Guide] How to edit Groups/Itemgroups Properly!

what i was actually meaning was because of the values you picked, you were misleading people.
(group (index 101) (money (500 200)) (item (500 443 0) (450 47 0)))
with smaller values after larger ones, this will break a drop list.
and having it as a guide is bad, as it will stuff up people that don't know any better.

"I used those values for easy understanding"

so you give wrong values for easy understanding?

Did you figured that out by reading this guide?

For the last time, I never said in any part of the guide that this drop rate would work, is a simple example of probabilities, I told that I was explaining probabilities and never told if that example works.

Even explaining with 50% that means half they don’t understand imagine explaining that your 750 means 38%.

But man basically you don’t care what I say in the guide, all you want is to find something to pick on.

Your excuses are terrible and only show your childish personality.

I’ll be off from Ragezone, if any moderator thinks that is better to delete this guide due to your justification they have my support.

Let me guess, next post you say my english suck, like any child would say.
Re: [Guide] How to edit Groups/Itemgroups Properly!

if im geting this right...
how erver short, long the drop list is all the % has to add up to 100%?
so 1720 = 17.20%? or is that already 100% +?
Re: [Guide] How to edit Groups/Itemgroups Properly!

if im geting this right...
how erver short, long the drop list is all the % has to add up to 100%?
so 1720 = 17.20%? or is that already 100% +?

Im stuned by your question, i don't even know what you mean.