[Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro)

Experienced Elementalist
Jul 13, 2008
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*** FOR AION 5.8 USE PATCH V2 (Next post)***
*** FOR AION 7.7 USE

Hello guys, a couple people contact me about removing of 10 ppl restriction of Aion 5.8 (probably is same for 7.7). I am very busy and away from Aion for a long time that why decide to create a short tutorial, how to remove the 10 people restriction of Server64.exe using IDA Pro (64-bit). I already saw patched server file s,so if you think this tutorial is useless just skip it. I don't have time to test it on 5.8, but this changes worked on 4.6 .

** PATCH FOR AION 4.6 ***
Open Server64.exe using IDA Pro (64-bit) and press Shift+F12 to open string windows. Press Ctrl+F and search for 'dev-mail.ncsoft.dev'.

Click on string and next click on offset
1731175081218 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

In function loc_140509650 you will find value 0Ah .Change 0Ah to 0 (same like in first post)

Mark the value 0Ah ,change to Hex View and change value from 0A to 00

1731176036421 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

Press F2 in Hex view to edit the values.When you ready with changes press again F2 to Apply it

1731176162279 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

Next change: jle short loc_140509650 -> jnb short loc_140509650
Select jle Edit->Patch Program ->Assemble Change to jnb

Final code must looks like that:
1731176437424 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

You can check the patched bytes in Patched Bytes menu (Ctr+Alt+P)

To add patched bytes on your EXE open Edit >Patch Program > Apply Patches to Input file (Your Input File must be selected) ->OK

That's all in short.I think the tutorial is more than detailed so I will not provide any support or answering questions.
I hope this tutorial will be useful for some people.



  • 1730725019916 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums
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** PATCH FOR AION 5.8 **

This is patch V.2.0 for Aion 5.8

Open Server64.exe using IDA Pro (64-bit) and press Shift+F12 to open string windows. Press Ctrl+F and search for 'dev-mail.ncsoft.dev'.
In function loc_1404F5880 you will find value 0Ah .Change 0Ah to 0 (same like in first post)

1730874632508 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

Next change: jle short loc_1404F5880 -> jnb short loc_1404F5880
Select jle Edit->Patch Program ->Assemble Change to jnb

1730877223737 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

Final code must looks like that:

1730877003739 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

Please test it and give a feedback is it work or not.



  • 1730876857967 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums
    6.4 KB · Views: 9
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** PATCH FOR AION 7.7 ***

Open Server64.exe using IDA Pro (64-bit) and press Shift+F12 to open string windows. Press Ctrl+F and search for 'mail.ncsoft.com'.
In function loc_140576C50: you will find value 0Ah .Change 0Ah to 0 (same like in first post)

1731049062249 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

Next change: jle short loc_140576C50 -> jnb shortloc_140576C50
Select jle Edit->Patch Program ->Assemble Change to jnb

Please test it and give a feedback is it work or not.



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