• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro)

Experienced Elementalist
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
*** FOR AION 5.8 USE PATCH V2 (Next post)***
*** FOR AION 7.7 USE

Hello guys, a couple people contact me about removing of 10 ppl restriction of Aion 5.8 (probably is same for 7.7). I am very busy and away from Aion for a long time that why decide to create a short tutorial, how to remove the 10 people restriction of Server64.exe using IDA Pro (64-bit). I already saw patched server file s,so if you think this tutorial is useless just skip it. I don't have time to test it on 5.8, but this changes worked on 4.6 .

** PATCH FOR AION 4.6 ***
Open Server64.exe using IDA Pro (64-bit) and press Shift+F12 to open string windows. Press Ctrl+F and search for 'dev-mail.ncsoft.dev'.

Click on string and next click on offset
1731175081218 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

In function loc_140509650 you will find value 0Ah .Change 0Ah to 0 (same like in first post)

Mark the value 0Ah ,change to Hex View and change value from 0A to 00

1731176036421 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

Press F2 in Hex view to edit the values.When you ready with changes press again F2 to Apply it

1731176162279 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

Next change: jle short loc_140509650 -> jnb short loc_140509650
Select jle Edit->Patch Program ->Assemble Change to jnb

Final code must looks like that:
1731176437424 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

You can check the patched bytes in Patched Bytes menu (Ctr+Alt+P)

To add patched bytes on your EXE open Edit >Patch Program > Apply Patches to Input file (Your Input File must be selected) ->OK

That's all in short.I think the tutorial is more than detailed so I will not provide any support or answering questions.
I hope this tutorial will be useful for some people.



  • 1730725019916 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums
    5.3 KB · Views: 25
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** PATCH FOR AION 5.8 **

This is patch V.2.0 for Aion 5.8

Open Server64.exe using IDA Pro (64-bit) and press Shift+F12 to open string windows. Press Ctrl+F and search for 'dev-mail.ncsoft.dev'.
In function loc_1404F5880 you will find value 0Ah .Change 0Ah to 0 (same like in first post)

1730874632508 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

Next change: jle short loc_1404F5880 -> jnb short loc_1404F5880
Select jle Edit->Patch Program ->Assemble Change to jnb

1730877223737 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

Final code must looks like that:

1730877003739 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

Please test it and give a feedback is it work or not.



  • 1730876857967 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums
    6.4 KB · Views: 10
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** PATCH FOR AION 7.7 ***

Open Server64.exe using IDA Pro (64-bit) and press Shift+F12 to open string windows. Press Ctrl+F and search for 'mail.ncsoft.com'.
In function loc_140576C50: you will find value 0Ah .Change 0Ah to 0 (same like in first post)

1731049062249 - [Tutorial] Remove Aion 4.6/5.8/7.7 PTS 10 people restriction (IDA Pro) - RaGEZONE Forums

Next change: jle short loc_140576C50 -> jnb shortloc_140576C50
Select jle Edit->Patch Program ->Assemble Change to jnb

Please test it and give a feedback is it work or not.



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