[Tutorial Requests]

Hi Ragezone.

I am Java programmer and now i've been curious about the development process server emulators. I want to know how the process of developing emulators for proper study. I have knowledge in Threads, Sockets, Swing, Collections, input and output data and I want to study on the subject.

I know it's necessary to capture packets from the server to the client and the client to the server. I've been taking a look at programs like JPCap and JNetPCap, and that's all. I only have a notion of the process so far. I do not know what happens. Can someone show me something or tell me to study in detail (if possible) as it happens?

Thank you for your attention. :wink:
Can someone please add a tutorial based on Addon creation through LUA for games like RIFT, World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online, Lord of the Rings Online, and Dark Age of Camelot? Would really like to know instead of always getting a direction to lua.org (because it doesnt describe how you translate that knowledge into a modified lua based language for the games mentioned). Thank you :)
Could someone make tuts for PHP Sessions / OOP.

ifail at both.
I think there are both Session and OOP tutorials already. Did you look?


The PHP Manual is a good way to learn PHP. Here is a tutorial on sessions that is very complete:

As for learning OOP, do not concentrate on how PHP implements OOP atm. PHP changes, trying to become a better OOP language. So, somebody asked the same question on StackOverflow:

This will help you with OOP in PHP as well. Object Oriented Programming is worth "learning--well."
Start with this:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_Patterns
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When i have some more time @ school and @ work.. i will be writing some PHP and MYSQL tutorials.
Was thinking 'bout creating something like a 'downloaded' movie database?
Can somebody please make a tutorial on to protect my php source code from viewing it?
What do you mean by that? Nobody can see your source code if you don't share it, or if they have no rights to enter your ftp you hosted the files on..
Can somebody please make a tutorial on to protect my php source code from viewing it?

What a funny question. I gonna quote it in my signature! xD

And btw, you absolutely back-speaking your own signature which says
---If you require any help, search around before asking!--
Hello, I'm making a private server for a game, and I've made this website with a registration page.. but I don't want people messing around with my code.
So my question is: How do I hide parts from my code when people view the source?
For example, on the register page of http://play9d.to/ when you right-click -> view source you can see there is no PHP code or any HTML form codes that make the registration form.
So how do I approach this?

Programming languages: PHP/HTML

Thanks in advance,

There is a form code.

form name="register" id="register">
						<div id="reg_warp">							<div class="lk_tr">Username</div>									<div class="lk_fr">									<input type="text" name="username" value="" id="username" maxlength="16" onblur="new Ajax.Updater('reg_username_errors', 'do.php?do=validate_form&tipo=userid&val='+document.getElementById('username').value, {method: 'get', asynchronous:true});">								</div>									<div id="reg_username_errors" class="reg_errors">Forbidden username</div>						</div>																						<div id="reg_warp">							<div class="lk_tr">Password</div>								<div class="lk_fr">									<input type="password" name="password" value="" id="password" maxlength="16" onblur="new Ajax.Updater('reg_password_errors', 'do.php?do=validate_form&tipo=pass1&val='+document.getElementById('password').value, {method: 'get', asynchronous:true});">								</div>									<div id="reg_password_errors" class="reg_errors">										Your password's length must be between 6 and 15 characters.														</div>						</div>												<div id="reg_warp">							<div class="lk_tr">Repeat password</div>								<div class="lk_fr">									<input type="password" name="password2" value="" id="password2" maxlength="16" onblur="new Ajax.Updater('reg_password2_errors', 'do.php?do=validate_form&tipo=pass2&val='+document.getElementById('password').value+'-'+document.getElementById('password2').value, {method: 'get', asynchronous:true});">								</div>									<div id="reg_password2_errors" class="reg_errors">										Retype your password here									</div>						</div>														<div id="reg_warp">											<div class="lk_tr">E-Mail address</div>								<div class="lk_fr">									<input type="text" name="email" value="" id="mail" maxlength="120" onblur="new Ajax.Updater('reg_email_errors', 'do.php?do=validate_form&tipo=email&val='+document.getElementById('mail').value, {method: 'get', asynchronous:true});">								</div>									<div id="reg_email_errors" class="reg_errors">										You must use an valid E-Mail address for manage your account									</div>							</div>														<div id="reg_warp">												<div class="lk_tr">Captcha</div>									<div class="lk_fr">																		<div id="captcha_container">										<img src="functions/captcha.php">									</div>																			<input type="text" name="captcha" value="" id="captcha" style="width: 80px;" maxlength="4" onblur="new Ajax.Updater('reg_captcha_errors', 'do.php?do=validate_form&tipo=captcha&val='+document.getElementById('captcha').value, {method: 'get', asynchronous:true});">									</div>										<div id="reg_captcha_errors" class="reg_errors">											Type the captcha here										</div>								</div>																		<input type="button" id="register_btn" onclick="new Ajax.Updater('create_newuser_errors', 'do.php?do=create_newuser', {method: 'post', asynchronous:true, parameters:Form.serialize(document.register)})">														</form>

You have no need to worry really, the php is the important thing and that is hidden, the best thing i can think of for you to do is to just disable right clicking on the page (however that can be bypassed with ctrl+u etc...)

There is a topic on right click dissabling here:
Can someone post how to make a stable SpawnSystem, in C++ and if is possible in Java

I mean for example if I have 6.000 mobs I don't like to show all of them to the player so I got a for, and the for check EVERY MOB (6.000 mobs are checked) and if someone have distance < 20 It spawn to player, so that get laggy because, imagine are 30 players, so checks 6.000 mobs for one player and if somemob are with distance less than 20 show to the player, and make it 30 times... so how can i make it better? Or the best way to do that