GUNZ 1,0,0,290 launched. build (Nov 24 2005 12:36:19)
Log time (11/24/07 01:25:18)
CPU ID = GenuineIntel ( family = 15 , model = 4 , stepping = 1 ) @ 2793 MHz
Display Device = Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller ( vendor=8086 device=2572 subsys=1d51028 revision=2 )
Display Driver Version = 6.14.0010.4396
Windows = 5.1 Build 2600 , Service Pack 2 (522224KB) : Windows xp..
CheckSum: 3447388807
International Edition.
crc error , file dbghelp.dll ( current = 3eda5be5, original = 0 ).
crc error , file fmod.dll ( current = 8280aba8, original = 0 ).
crc error , file gdiplus.dll ( current = 45d253dc, original = 0 ).
crc error , file gunz.exe ( current = 78ca7ccb, original = 0 ).
crc error , file shader/skin.vso ( current = ed129f8f, original = 0 ).
crc error , file shader/skin1.vso ( current = 28122b3a, original = 0 ).
crc error , file xpva00.dll ( current = bbec4f7d, original = 0 ).
crc error , file xtrap/psapi.dll ( current = 9a30424b, original = 0 ).
crc error , file xtrap/xdatafi0.xtp ( current = 77f33085, original = 0 ).
crc error , file xtrap/xtrap.xt ( current = 8e98e045, original = 0 ).
crc error , file xtrap/xtrapva.dll ( current = c5514f46, original = 0 ).
WFog Enabled Device.
Vertex Shader isn't supported
device created.
Video memory 34.000000
main : RGetLenzFlare()->Initialize()
main : ZGetInitialLoading()->Initialize()
main : g_Mint.Initialize()
ZApplication::OnCreate : begin
0(Primair geluidsstuurprogramma): Hardware Mixing Supported
1(SoundMAX Digital Audio): Hardware Mixing Supported
-------------------> Sound Engine Create : 1.248000
ZApplication::OnCreate : m_SoundEngine.Create
loading pictures : 1.122000
warning : bitmap quit_off.tga not found.
warning : bitmap quit_off.tga not found.
warning : bitmap quest-mode.tga not found.
warning : bitmap slot_head.tga not found.
warning : bitmap slot_head.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
IDLResource Loading Success!!
IDL resources : 0.461000
Number of Display mode : 49
Number of Display mode : 49
ZGameInterface::InitInterfaceOption ok
::InitMaps() > No Current ChannelRule
ZGameInterface::OnCreate: Fail InitLocatorList
Failed: ZGameInterface OnCreate
ZGameInterface::OnDestroy() : begin
ZGameInterface::OnDestroy() : g_pGameClient->Destroy()
PeerInfoList Released
SAFE_DELETE(g_pGameClient) :
ClearLooks() End :
m_WidgetMap.Clear() End :
MCursorSystem::Destroy() End :
m_IDLResource.Clear() End :
ZGameInterface::FinalInterface() End:
ZGameInterface::OnDestroy() : done()
ClearLooks() End :
m_WidgetMap.Clear() End :
MCursorSystem::Destroy() End :
main : OnDestroy()
ZSoundEngine::Destroy() : Close FMod
ZApplication::OnDestroy : DestroyConsole()
ZApplication::OnDestroy : m_MeshMgr.DelAll()
ZApplication::OnDestroy : m_WeaponMeshMgr.DelAll()
ZApplication::OnDestroy done
main : g_Mint.Finalize()
main : g_DInput.Destroy()
main : g_App.OnDestroy()
main : ZGetConfiguration()->Destroy()
main : MBitmapManager::DestroyAniBitmap()
main : OnDestroy() done