[Tutorial] Running Debug Mode

Junior Spellweaver
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
I decided to make a tutorial.

You guys in the Custom Login Tutorial are noobs, ROA Clearly said it dosen't run on Private servers..

1) Goto CMD
2) type cd and point the directory of where GunzLoader.exe is
e.g cd C:\Documents and Settings\UserFAKE\Desktop\Client\
and hit enter.
3) now type: GunzLoader.exe /game "MAP" debug 00"
4) Hit enter
5) Close CMD

You dont need to use cmd, you can use Run(Start --> Run) then type C:\Documents and Settings\FakeUSER\Desktop\Client\GunzLoader.exe /game "MAP" debug 00" then hit enter.

I'm just using the iGunz client and it fails loading after InterfaceSkin.

Here is my log:

GUNZ 1,0,0,290 launched. build (Nov 24 2005 12:36:19) 
Log time (11/24/07 01:25:18)
CPU ID = GenuineIntel ( family = 15 , model = 4 , stepping = 1 ) @ 2793 MHz
Display Device = Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller ( vendor=8086 device=2572 subsys=1d51028 revision=2 )
Display Driver Version = 6.14.0010.4396
Windows = 5.1 Build 2600 , Service Pack 2 (522224KB) :  Windows xp..
CheckSum: 3447388807 
International Edition.
crc error , file dbghelp.dll ( current = 3eda5be5, original = 0 ).
crc error , file fmod.dll ( current = 8280aba8, original = 0 ).
crc error , file gdiplus.dll ( current = 45d253dc, original = 0 ).
crc error , file gunz.exe ( current = 78ca7ccb, original = 0 ).
crc error , file shader/skin.vso ( current = ed129f8f, original = 0 ).
crc error , file shader/skin1.vso ( current = 28122b3a, original = 0 ).
crc error , file xpva00.dll ( current = bbec4f7d, original = 0 ).
crc error , file xtrap/psapi.dll ( current = 9a30424b, original = 0 ).
crc error , file xtrap/xdatafi0.xtp ( current = 77f33085, original = 0 ).
crc error , file xtrap/xtrap.xt ( current = 8e98e045, original = 0 ).
crc error , file xtrap/xtrapva.dll ( current = c5514f46, original = 0 ).
WFog Enabled Device.
Vertex Shader isn't supported
device created.
Video memory 34.000000 
main : RGetLenzFlare()->Initialize() 
main : ZGetInitialLoading()->Initialize() 
main : g_Mint.Initialize() 
ZApplication::OnCreate : begin
0(Primair geluidsstuurprogramma): Hardware Mixing Supported
1(SoundMAX Digital Audio): Hardware Mixing Supported

-------------------> Sound Engine Create : 1.248000 

ZApplication::OnCreate : m_SoundEngine.Create
loading pictures : 1.122000 
warning : bitmap quit_off.tga not found.
warning : bitmap quit_off.tga not found.
warning : bitmap quest-mode.tga not found.
warning : bitmap slot_head.tga not found.
warning : bitmap slot_head.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
warning : bitmap icon_gameroom_s.tga not found.
IDLResource Loading Success!!
IDL resources : 0.461000 
Number of Display mode : 49
Number of Display mode : 49
ZGameInterface::InitInterfaceOption ok
::InitMaps() > No Current ChannelRule 
ZGameInterface::OnCreate: Fail InitLocatorList
Failed: ZGameInterface OnCreate
ZGameInterface::OnDestroy() : begin 
ZGameInterface::OnDestroy() : g_pGameClient->Destroy() 
PeerInfoList Released
SAFE_DELETE(g_pGameClient) : 
ClearLooks() End : 
m_WidgetMap.Clear() End : 
MCursorSystem::Destroy() End : 
m_IDLResource.Clear() End : 
ZGameInterface::FinalInterface() End: 
ZGameInterface::OnDestroy() : done() 
ClearLooks() End : 
m_WidgetMap.Clear() End : 
MCursorSystem::Destroy() End : 
main : OnDestroy()
ZSoundEngine::Destroy() : Close FMod
ZApplication::OnDestroy : DestroyConsole() 
ZApplication::OnDestroy : m_MeshMgr.DelAll() 
ZApplication::OnDestroy : m_WeaponMeshMgr.DelAll() 
ZApplication::OnDestroy done 
main : g_Mint.Finalize()
main : g_DInput.Destroy()
main : g_App.OnDestroy()
main : ZGetConfiguration()->Destroy()
main : MBitmapManager::DestroyAniBitmap()
main : OnDestroy() done

I see a CRC error here but if I edit it, iGunz wont run anymore I think.

EDIT: I just tried to edit the the changed CRC's to 0 but it didn't work.
I cant get this to work for some reason. I put it in Ijji folder and folo the tutorial but It goes up to InterfaceSkin and closes it. And If I am not suppose to do it this way I even tried it with my Pserver and it doesnt work that way either can some one help me.
I cant get this to work for some reason. I put it in Ijji folder and folo the tutorial but It goes up to InterfaceSkin and closes it. And If I am not suppose to do it this way I even tried it with my Pserver and it doesnt work that way either can some one help me.

Same here