[Tutorial] [SA:MP] how to "Change" what your mapname is

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
You know how your Map Name is always San Andreas, Los Santos or something like that? And wondered how to change it in your server source..?

Well to change that... its not in your server source...

Create a new line in your server.cfg like this

mapname [Map Name goes here]

And voila your map name is there..

I'm surprised why it wasn't added in it from before o.o Hope that helps
Re: Mini TUT on how to "Change" what your mapname is

You know how your Map Name is always San Andreas, Los Santos or something like that? And wondered how to change it in your server source..?

Well to change that... its not in your server source...

Create a new line in your server.cfg like this

mapname [Map Name goes here]

And voila your map name is there..

I'm surprised why it wasn't added in it from before o.o Hope that helps
in cfg file not possible, create an own script?
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][aAdmin] > 1)
	SendRconCommand("mapname Ninja");
	return 1;
	return 1;

This is how you would include it in a script, ignore my messy scripting though :P
@Avail, Its
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] > 1)
	SendRconCommand("mapname Ninja");
	return 1;
Not your one, thats the right one :P

You can use another way, go in game then, /rcon login [your rcon password], then /rcon mapname [mapname you need].

Then restart the server and you're done. :)