[Tutorial][SA-MP] How to install QBase Roleplay [ MySQL servers]

Mar 18, 2007
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The Netherlands
Thread made for: http://forum.ragezone.com/f499/release-sa-mp-mysql-qbase-722598/

Quick tutorial made by Webflashing:

Ok everybody, as i'm seeing that ALMOST EVERYONE on this topic has a problem with the MYSQL stuff, i'll write a *little* tutorial on how making this script work.

1.- First, download the script from here

Now that you have the script, let's focus on the MYSQL thing.

2.- Next thing to do is to download the MYSQL plugin. As the package was too
heavy, i repacked it with the necessary files ONLY.
You can download it from here

3.- Now that you have the package, INSIDE it, you will find that the files are
already in their own folders, the ONLY thing you should do now is copy the
content of the .RAR into your server's folder. And after that, you should
open your server.cfg and add the line plugins sampmysql at the end
of the file.
Now put the *.inc* file on the includes folders of the pawno.
That should fic the error that some of you were having.

4.- Ok, that was easy until now. This step is going to explain HOW TO set up a
MYSQL server...
5.- First, you will need to download XAMPP (This will be your Mysql server...)

After you download it, you sholud install it with the Apache and
PhpMyAdmin features (asked on the installer).
6.- Ok, now after the installation the Mysql server should be running, the only
thing you have to do is to enter and select
the link that says "PhpMyAdmin". Once you clicked on it, you should see a
new page, where there is a lot of stuff.
7.- As i'm not in my computer, I dont really remember how, ut it should be a
textbox somewere where you create a un database. In that textbox, you
should write SAMP, and then click on the button "create" (or something like
that). Once donde this, on the left panel, it should appear now the text
"samp (0)". That means it has 0 tables inside. So now, let's click on the
"samp (0)" link, and then on the right panel, on the top, we should clik
"Import". Here is where we search for the database which comes with the
script, and the we import it.

Ok, by doing this, you just run the server and it should work. Any question, please ask. And remember, the script has too many bugs, if someone WANTS to start fixing them, you'l count with me, cause i'm trying to make the same.

This is for people that have problems with QBase/MySQL.