[Tutorial] [SA:MP] Playing SA-MP and making your OWN server ! ~ STUNT/RPG etc.

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well i did everythin on your tut but i cant open my server cuz i did a port ceck and all my ports are closed or cant be reached for some reason....
thanks for everything bro but tell me something why the name of server doesnt appear on samp.i write in host name ''stuntmania''and in the samp writes''(retrieving info):7777 and doesnt do anything what can i do to fix this problem(aa...is play properly):thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
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How to find the ip for other players to connect? I went to mywanip.com / whatismyip.com / ipchicken.com and all of them can't work when i add it in my favorites.. Help please.
How to find the ip for other players to connect? I went to mywanip.com / whatismyip.com / ipchicken.com and all of them can't work when i add it in my favorites.. Help please.
This is probably because you have a router / shared ip / firewall.
You can resolve this by opening the sa-mp server port on your firewall.
If you have a router you should forward ports to your computer.
For more info about portforwarding for your router, go to
You can also use something like hamachi, but then all people who want to play on your server will need hamachi too.

Good luck :)
hmm then try to acces your router (it will probably be or via your browser (type the IP adress (that number) in your adress bar.

in your router, try to find port forwarding or DMZ hosting (DMZ completely forwards all ports to the ip you give it)

If you found it,
get your ip via your command promt (ipconfig)

and use it to forward your ports.

Alternatively, you can use Hamachi
I have a problem , you didn't explain nicelly how to get a static ip adress then people can connect to your server , i made a server but it still , can please tell me how to get a static ip or an other way to let people connect to my server?
hi thanks for this tut ^^

but i have only 1 problem

when i enter to my server it saying up

The Server Didn't Respond , Retrying ..

how can i fix this problem please?

thx ^^
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