[Tutorial] [SA:MP] Playing SA-MP and making your OWN server ! ~ STUNT/RPG etc.

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im have samp server 0.3a

and server files 0.3a

i download it from the in the same day so it can't be other version
In the SA-MP client, does it display the Server Name and GameMode correctly? Or does it just display "(Retrieving Info...)"?
If so, then your server is not properly configured. You need to change your config file and/or forward and unblock the port you're using.

If it does display everything correctly, then does your server crash when you connect?
If it does, then try a different GM. Something that comes with SA-MP server. Remove any plugins and filterscripts. If this fixes it, then you're probably using buggy/outdated GM, or the GM requires some plugin to work that you don't have, like mysql.
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im have server files 0.3 (samp03bsvr_R2_win32.zip)

and i install samp 0.3

this is my config:

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 1
rcon_password *******
maxplayers 50
port 7777
hostname Monster Gta by Mohamed Bassem "arab"
gamemode0 lvdm 1
gamemode1 rivershell 1
gamemode2 area51 1
gamemode4 sftdm 1
gamemode5 gf
gamemode6 bare
filterscripts base gl_actions gl_property gl_realtime
announce 1
query 1
weburl made by Mohamed bassem ((MB))
maxnpc 0
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000

then i open the samp-server.exe and it write that

loaded log file: "server_log.txt"_
sa-mp dedicated server
v.0.3b R2, <C>2005-2010 Sa_mp Team

server Plugins
loaded 0 Plugins

started server on port: 7777, with maxplayer: 50 lanmode is On.

filter scripts
 loading filter script 'base.amx'...
-- Base FS loaded
loading filter script 'gl_actions.amx'...
loading filter script 'gl_property.amx'...
Grand Larceny Property Filterscript
   Loading Filter script 'gl_realtime.amx'...
   Loaded 4 Filter Scripts.
Reading File: blank
Reading File: properties/houses.txt
Reading File: properties/businesses.txt
Reading File: properties/banks.txt
Reading File: properties/police.txt
 Running LVDM ~MoneyGrub
      Coded By

Number Of Vehicle Models: 48

then i open samp to connect to my server

1- i add the server
2- i see the server like it is online server name and 0/50 and the ping 3 and mode Ventura's DM~MG and the map san andreas

3- i enter it says
the server didn't respond , reatring connecting to ....


that the short story :P

plz help and thx ^^

ah almost forgot

i opened the ports ^^
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ok i had make the server and it is good

and i make freeroam gamemode

but some things disapper like i move with bike then i touch a thing i can't seen and some vehicles like car is in air

help plz? for last time
ok i had make the server and it is good

and i make freeroam gamemode

but some things disapper like i move with bike then i touch a thing i can't seen and some vehicles like car is in air

help plz? for last time
this is probably because the gamemode has some issues :s better use another gamemode
oh and next time better make a new thread in the main section :)
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