[Tutorial] [SA:MP] Playing SA-MP and making your OWN server ! ~ STUNT/RPG etc.

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I dunno if you could also include it in your post How to Play "RolePlay" Servers. Like for example how to be a Leader: (Mayor, Hitman Leadera, etc.) Sorry for off-topic.
On Topic. Nice Release with Tut.

i have tried to put a server online yesterday and was able to see it in the LAN section of GTA San Andreas Multi Theft Auto. I was able to connect to it and got a message on MTA server.exe saying 'playerxxx joined the game'. The problem is, the server does not appear in the list of INTERNET servers available. i asked others to join my game but they couldnt connect. I think the port is set to 20032 or something like that in the game. What should i do to enable the server to appear on the internet so other players can join?

Thank you.

i have tried to put a server online yesterday and was able to see it in the LAN section of GTA San Andreas Multi Theft Auto. I was able to connect to it and got a message on MTA server.exe saying 'playerxxx joined the game'. The problem is, the server does not appear in the list of INTERNET servers available. i asked others to join my game but they couldnt connect. I think the port is set to 20032 or something like that in the game. What should i do to enable the server to appear on the internet so other players can join?

Thank you.
The reason for this is that the server file is outdated, i'll try to update the links tomorrow.

The F7D1301v1 will not allow you to forward enough ports, to run Grand Theft Auto 2 Multiplayer. You should try using the DMZ portion of this router if it is available. Alternatively you can try switching the router to bridged mode. You will need to contact your ISP to switch to bridged mode, so they can make the required changed on their end.

pleassssee...!! help me.....!! what should i do..!! :?:
I just want to say that you should update this thread, because there is a new update called 0.3x here is the link ,
and the link you got in your tutorial is dead i think.

Btw nice tutorial :)
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