[Tutorial] [SA:MP] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies

Evil Scottish Overlord
May 18, 2007
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United Kingdom
Junkers - [Tutorial] [SA:MP] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies - RaGEZONE Forums


Since there was a lack of easy-to-understand setup guides in the section, I thought I'd take some time and make a guide as simple as I can make it with plenty of pictures to help out new players.

Part I: Download the client files

Firstly, go to the official ]SA:MP Official website client download page[/url]and download any of the client files listed there. The list of clients is near the top of the page and all clients should be virus-free.

Junkers - [Tutorial] [SA:MP] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies - RaGEZONE Forums

NOTE:: You will need to download the 3rd Party Patch if you have a newer version of GTA: San Andreas (the newer discs are compatible with all Vista versions). Download the patch and use it after you have installed the client.

Part II: Install the client files

Once the client has finished downloading, double click the icon and the installer will start. Once the installer starts, you should see this:

Junkers - [Tutorial] [SA:MP] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies - RaGEZONE Forums

Now proceed with the installation.

NOTE: You must have your copy of GTA: San Andreas installed before you install the client. Otherwise the 'I Agree' button will be greyed out and you can't proceed with the installation.

Part III: Joining a game

Joining a server is simple. Firstly, you must startup the client. You can find the client shortcut in C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas. The icon will look like this:

Junkers - [Tutorial] [SA:MP] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies - RaGEZONE Forums

Once the client starts up you will see this screen:

Junkers - [Tutorial] [SA:MP] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies - RaGEZONE Forums

To join a server on the 'Internet' list, simply click on one of the server and then click either the orange tick (
Junkers - [Tutorial] [SA:MP] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies - RaGEZONE Forums
) or double click on the server name and click 'Connect'.

Part IV: Adding a favourite server

To add a server to your favourites, simply look at the bottom of the client and look for 3 tabs, like this:

Junkers - [Tutorial] [SA:MP] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies - RaGEZONE Forums

And click on favourites, then get the IP:PORT of the server (to get the IP:PORT, click on a server and look for an information box like this:

Junkers - [Tutorial] [SA:MP] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies - RaGEZONE Forums

Copy the IP:PORT (for example, the IP:PORT of Las Venturas Playground is, go to your favourites, click the orange tick and paste the IP:PORT and click OK. The server will now be added to your favourites list.

Part V: Setting up a server

To set up a server, go to the official page and scroll down until you come to the server download section which looks like this:

Junkers - [Tutorial] [SA:MP] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies - RaGEZONE Forums

Click on the link which is for your operating system. I recommend you visit this link instead, since there is several files missing from the download link provided by SA:MP. NOTE: SA:MP is not supported for Mac OS X. Also, be sure to read the if you plan on hosting a public server.

Unpack the .rar file into a folder (call the folder something like SA-MP) and double click the server.cfg file (
Junkers - [Tutorial] [SA:MP] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies - RaGEZONE Forums
) and open it in notepad. You will then see this information inside the file:

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password changeme
maxplayers 32
port 7777
hostname SA:MP Server
gamemode0 lvdm1
filterscripts adminspec actions
announce 0
query 0
(The hostname may be different, so don't worry)

Change the RCON password to a combination nobody else will know, that is important. I recommend you don't change the query line or the echo line. Lines you can change are announce (set to 1 to let other players see your server on the Master Server List under the 'Internet' tab), the gamemode0 line (change the name of the gamemode to the name of the .amx file which is stored in the gamemodes folder you unpacked), the port line, maxplayers line and lanmode line (set to 1 to improve server performance at the cost of bandwidth).

To join your own server, simply open the client, click on the 'Favourites' tab, click on the orange tick and enter (or whatever you changed your port to) and click 'OK'. Your server should appear on the list. If you want to make your server public, then you will need to forward ports specified by www.portforward.com

Have fun!

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Re: [Tutorial] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies

Thanks, This is the first server that really works!
Thanks alot!

Re: [Tutorial] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies

First my server is working and the samp-server.exe says that the server is online when i run the server from the favourite tab. i get Server Didn't Resopond, I Go back to the Sa-mP-server.exe and it telles me something like ''Auth servers are currently Offline" please help ;O
Re: [Tutorial] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies

Re upload the server files please .. =(
Re: [Tutorial] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies

First my server is working and the samp-server.exe says that the server is online when i run the server from the favourite tab. i get Server Didn't Resopond, I Go back to the Sa-mP-server.exe and it telles me something like ''Auth servers are currently Offline" please help ;O

Because you turned the anti-cheat on. Turn it off 9set the value to 0)

Re upload the server files please .. =(

All the files came from the SA:MP website, don't see what's wrong with them
Re: [Tutorial] SA:MP Server & Client Setup For Dummies

Change the server name in the server.cfg file (edit the text which says 'Unnamed 2.0X Server', and depending on your gamemode making yourself an admin will vary.
Dude This Tut For Noobs U doNt Need it U Just Need ayes And Hands And Brain Nothing else And I think All Who Want TO make Any server OF Games Need This 3 Things Right? but Nice 9/10 But like i say this is For Newbe
Hmmm.. I did everything in this tutorial but it's still not working..

Error : vorbis_window can't be found.

Please , where do i get this ?

I got vorbis.dll and vorbisFile.dll but it's still not working.

Thanks in advance, Naruku.
Nice Tutorial dude , i have made my own server but i can't connect it said server didn't respond , i just want to make a server for lan gaming no online ... can you help meh plz ?