Two future amazing games, The Matrix Online, and Everquest2, have begun beta signups!

Nov 30, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere out there
Yea, great news, both of them began beta signups today. I already signed up, and I seriously hope I get into one. I'm not a full-fledged beta tester until I signed up for a major game of 2004 for testing :good:

Here are the links:

And Everquest2:

Couple of notes, the EQ2 signup page is being hit hard, so you might get the page that says "we are full at the moment, try again later or something like that". And the Everquest 2 signups are only for NORTH AMERICAN PLAYERS. European players will be able to sign up on JUNE 1.

Another note, in Everquest2, you have to be 18 or older for the NDA, but they don't make you fax it, they just let you say I Agree in the box.

Enjoy, hope I see some of you in one of the games :).
im going for MxO, ehh nvm im gonna sign up for EverQuest also, just so if i get in i can say i Beta tested it :), btu im REALLY going for MxO, i wanna be a hacker, code-cracker, slacker, wasting time on all the chat-room yakkers. (sorry i like the song "All about the Pentiums" by Weird Al Yankovich of however u spell his name)
Tallon said:
i wanna try both, but living in uk i cant :( they should include UK in all games, we own :D
right you own only small kidz! :rolleyes:
of course it doesnt.. but remember the art of conversation is known to wander :P

guild wars was open for e3 free as most of you all know, i was part of that alpha test... which was embarassing.. but remember its just an alpha.. im sure it will get better. so ill buy the game when its out and try it online and see if its any good.. no monthly charges and its made by ex-blizzard employees. all blizzard games are good :P