Yea, great news, both of them began beta signups today. I already signed up, and I seriously hope I get into one. I'm not a full-fledged beta tester until I signed up for a major game of 2004 for testing :good:
Here are the links:
And Everquest2:
Couple of notes, the EQ2 signup page is being hit hard, so you might get the page that says "we are full at the moment, try again later or something like that". And the Everquest 2 signups are only for NORTH AMERICAN PLAYERS. European players will be able to sign up on JUNE 1.
Another note, in Everquest2, you have to be 18 or older for the NDA, but they don't make you fax it, they just let you say I Agree in the box.
Enjoy, hope I see some of you in one of the games
Here are the links:
And Everquest2:
Couple of notes, the EQ2 signup page is being hit hard, so you might get the page that says "we are full at the moment, try again later or something like that". And the Everquest 2 signups are only for NORTH AMERICAN PLAYERS. European players will be able to sign up on JUNE 1.
Another note, in Everquest2, you have to be 18 or older for the NDA, but they don't make you fax it, they just let you say I Agree in the box.
Enjoy, hope I see some of you in one of the games