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[txt]9 Things Suckers Do For Women That Fuck It Up For The Rest Of Us

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Experienced Elementalist
Dec 16, 2006
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1. Discussing feelings
To reiterate my past comments, feelings are fucking stupid. Every time some woman wants me to discuss how I feel about some shit, I think about the asshole who gave her the wrong impression that men actually do that type of shite. Then I think of how much I would like to kick his ass.

2. Telling women how beautiful they are
I don
Guys don't have to do all those things, but some are nice.. in fact some I think are very important. Oh well.
1. Discussing feelings
You sir obviously have never been in love, I discuss everything I feel with my girlfriend and vice versa. It's part of a healthy relationship.

2. Telling women how beautiful they are
She's yours and you best let her know how beautiful you think they are, they deserve it for putting up with us.

3. Talking bad on other men
If someone messes with your girl, just kick his ass, otherwise dont talk about other men.

4. Getting married
Marriage is a special bond. If you get married then you wanted it.

5. Giving women money
Pussy > Games

6. Cuddling
You obviously never cuddled with a girl.

7. Letting a woman get into your
1. Discussing feelings
You sir obviously have never been in love, I discuss everything I feel with my girlfriend and vice versa. It's part of a healthy relationship.

2. Telling women how beautiful they are
She's yours and you best let her know how beautiful you think they are, they deserve it for putting up with us.

3. Talking bad on other men
If someone messes with your girl, just kick his ass, otherwise dont talk about other men.

4. Getting married
Marriage is a special bond. If you get married then you wanted it.

5. Giving women money
Pussy > Games

6. Cuddling
You obviously never cuddled with a girl.

7. Letting a woman get into your
Are you saying you are gay?

Talking about things with your girlfriend isn't being gay.
Also being able to listen to what the woman has to say, is not being gay.

Here are some definitons of the word gay for you :

  1. Having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.
  2. Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry.
  3. Bright or lively, especially in color: a gay, sunny room.
Talking about things with your girlfriend isn't being gay.
Also being able to listen to what the woman has to say, is not being gay.

Here are some definitons of the word gay for you :
  1. Having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.
  2. Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry.
  3. Bright or lively, especially in color: a gay, sunny room.

u r really gay !
and so is kyle !! (lol dont edit my post again kyle )
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Depends on what you mean by it.

If you're thinking i'm sexually atracted to the same sex,

then nope, you're wrong. I <3 pussy.
1. Discussing feelings
You sir obviously have never been in love, I discuss everything I feel with my girlfriend and vice versa. It's part of a healthy relationship.

2. Telling women how beautiful they are
She's yours and you best let her know how beautiful you think they are, they deserve it for putting up with us.

3. Talking bad on other men
If someone messes with your girl, just kick his ass, otherwise dont talk about other men.

4. Getting married
Marriage is a special bond. If you get married then you wanted it.

5. Giving women money
Pussy > Games

6. Cuddling
You obviously never cuddled with a girl.

7. Letting a woman get into your “man stuff”
Let them learn from any mistakes.

8. Letting a woman tell you what you “think”
Communication is a key to a healthy relationship.

9. Actually listening
Your not listening to her? Your not going very far are you?
you take the word from my mouth

ohh and @SantaClaus1 i thnk the joke is stupid and im starting to wonder how there is ppl like you on this planet
you take the word from my mouth

ohh and @SantaClaus1 i thnk the joke is stupid and im starting to wonder how there is ppl like you on this planet

then u r pathetic, go away from my thread you sado

and rofl @ starting to wonder how there is ppl like u on this planet
ppl who post joke's?
not my faulth u r to retarted to understand it's only a joke

you r now on my number 1 position of dumbest ppl on this forum
enjoy it , i recon u will stay there for a long time
Nice stuff u got there ...kyle kinda messed it up with his "nice/sensitive guy" opinions we all know how far do these types actually get

You got the idea but in order to be successful with women you have to be cocky and funny, however in your case your being overly cocky which makes you look like an asshole.

And 3 golden rules of alpha male is never brag about anything don't put down others and don't put down yourself...whenever women sense a man that does this sort of stuff you are automatically become a beta male which is your second major mistake

So beta male/asshole that doesn't listen to women who uses logic and not feelings ...id say u get laid once in a while but merely by being lucky and using alcohol
And 3 golden rules of alpha male is never brag about anything don't put down others and don't put down yourself...whenever women sense a man that does this sort of stuff you are automatically become a beta male which is your second major mistake

that's pritty clever
something to think about

but alsow for u , dont forget it's a joke , dont take it seriously
Nice stuff u got there ...kyle kinda messed it up with his "nice/sensitive guy" opinions we all know how far do these types actually get
You, sir, obviously do not know me, or anything about me or my personality. My points were valid but there are times to be cocky, but not on purpose.

Your lucky I didn't give you a "show of authority"
i m looking forward to all the authority you can show but after i ll break at least 1 rule

as for me not knowing you :correct
valid points: i recommend you some of David Deangelo stuff

btw santa nice post :D your on your way to become a player
I'm taking it serious! :grrrr:

Bans for all! :mad:
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