Typing in Public

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Apr 12, 2004
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Have any of you ever noticed that in public places where people use computers, lots of people tend to delibarately type loudly and as fast as they possibly can?

It's like they're trying to prove something to the people around them. I don't go to net cafes, but I'd imagine people don't do this as much in places that are full of avid computer users. I notice it alot in schools though; and also in libraries and places of that nature.. everyone trying to show off their typing skills to the general public.

Anyway, the only reason I posted this is because I needed to kill a couple minutes before I could leave this place, and because I felt compelled to show up the woman next to me, who has been typing away with all of her might over the last three hours.
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The Notorious
I hate people who pound the keyboard like it owes em money. Freakin bugs the hell outta me.

true me too... at my work we mostly use PC's and some ppl just almost smash the keyboard and i can almost hear it brake under the pressure... it just pisses my off...once i just stand up and said: " Dont kill the keyboard u might need it..."
I hate people who pound the keyboard like it owes em money. Freakin bugs the hell outta me.

Agree I cant stand that, since I mostly take my time to type. People say ''you type slow'' then im like ''fuck you =/''
I hate typing in public places, they read what I say. They get into my mind.
I type smooth and quietly, and don't type out a complete thought without pausing.. A teacher once told me I didn't type the conventional way, and could type faster if I took typing class.. I explained that normally when I type things, I type out each word as it comes to me.. I don't need to type faster than I can think of things to say. Instead of thinking about an asnwer and then typing it, I'll think of it as I type... know what I mean?
I type quickly myself and when i get into it i tend to start typing a little louder and even quicker so i honestly hate the fact that people around me are thinking that i'm showing off. or at least thats what i'm gonna think they are thinking now that you've said this.
I type hella fast and probably loud. Got a problem with it? When you start to type fast, you can't help it if your loud. You need to stop caring about petty things like typing and letting it bother you so much.
I'm not annoyed by anything ^_^
I'm "bothered" by people who get annoyed... I make tapping noises constantly and shake a lot (as like my foot or hands) I do it because I don't like to sit still I suppose...
Usually people tell me to stop or be quite and that I'm annoying them lol
It's funny to see their reactions =p I just tell them to get over themselves it's not that hard

I guess I do type relatively loud lol, I don't have a gliding motion like quiet people I just hit keys as fast as I can, esp. the space bar (I've broken 2)
I didnt mean people who are just typing and happen to be a little loud, i mean the people who actually BEAT THEIR KEYBOARD LIKE IT OWES THEM MONEYZ.

As in you can feel the table shake as they type.
Lol, I dont intentionally type quickly, but I also try to type as silently as I can. When in public places I try to act like I don't really know how to type unless it's at work. Why? Because it's funny when people are annoyed by pecking :)