You get cheated on at 13 - big deal, shes touched lips with another guy.

You get cheated on 5 years later - she's pregnant.

You get cheated on 10 years after that - you need to find a new place to live

You get cheated on 15 years after that - you loose custody of your children.

Cry more ffs, you are a drama queen.
Actually studies show kids who skip a class year (grade), although smart are more likely to become an outcast/socially retarded because they don't fit in:

Too smart to be with their age group
Too young to connect with their class.

That's why I say deny this boy help, for I feel it is complete shenanigans.

Good day.
Actually studies show kids who skip a class year (grade), although smart are more likely to become an outcast/socially retarded because they don't fit in:

Too smart to be with their age group
Too young to connect with their class.

That's why I say deny this boy help, for I feel it is complete shenanigans.

Good day.

Make his social retardation worse!

I'm 13, I'm not in highschool and I like this girl in 7th grade ( my age) but I can't see her cuz I can't find my glasses and then the other day she is all like if i see you trying to steal one of my pink wristbands again I'll call my boyfriend and he'll sort you out, what would you do and I think she is going to call him or thinking about it (note: in my class I'm not respected by my mates and I'm abused when i go to the bathroom, I play chess against myself all the time ( I always win), I'm bad at playing sports (I'm sorta chubby so I can't run or play any sport properly), & Smart (every body keeps picking on me and I don't know why exactly)


Enjoy the moments in the bathroom, not many people get that sort of pleasure at that age.
helldemon12 - U kNOW WHAT SUCKS! - RaGEZONE Forums
Kick her in the vagina, that'll teach that cheating lady.
How do you skip four grades anyways?
i was tested in the 6th grade and i was to advance for my grade so they test me on the grades 7th-10th and i passed so i when to the 11th grade
quick question whats 2+2?

lol dude ur in high school go find ur self a nice older girl who is dumb enough to think ur old enough since ur in high and as u say if ur so popular u wont have much trouble with that issue and if she cheated on u too bad dumb that lil ***** and move on
quick question whats 2+2?

Lol dude ur in high school go find ur self a nice older girl who is dumb enough to think ur old enough since ur in high and as u say if ur so popular u wont have much trouble with that issue and if she cheated on u too bad dumb that lil ***** and move on
