UK Anime Fans

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1000 Posts 20 Happy Years
Aug 16, 2003
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Between Heaven and Hell
Just for whoever in the uk and has acess to Foxkids O_o SHaman King is on at 3pm, and Sonic X and 4pm. Just thought id tell anyone whos interested :P
cause its been butchered by 4kids entertainment..but the original manga was ok..
Dont know anything about UK anime. Only thing anime I like/know is DBGT, cowboy beebob, yugi oh!.
i know lets take a cool program.. sonic and add an X to it!! yeaa that'll really hip and spice it up..

Sonic x is wank.

Dr Robotnic FOREVER
not crappeh english attempts at anime tho

Trigun, cowboy beebop, dragonballz around the namek saga now thats anime! :)
feature length bebop coming out when!?!?
dvd!? toonami!?

(Cowboy Bebop - Knockin' on Heaven's Door >=) )
its been released on DVD in the UK a while now...=P
try getting it through a video store or library ^^ or buy it if you wants lol