Ummm A little Help PLEASE! Mir3 

Junior Spellweaver
Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
I just got my EI server up after quite a while of trying to get it right.
I got ingame as a GM and typed in '@make DragonSlayer'
It said Dragon Slayer Found with a little weapony sound.
I looked in my bag to put it on but nothing, there was nothing in the bag but my bag weight had gone up.
I tried to put my mouse over some of the blocks to check if it is just the graphis that are not showing, but no it's the whole weapon.

Please can someone help me resolve this.
It can't be my game files because I tried it on 2 different PCs.

Help PLEASE!!!!!
How EI works - in the database it reference each item by a number (idx) - now that matches the client side file. If the item on the Inventory.wil/wix is blank - then you also wont see anything either.

Get yourself a Wil Editor/Viewer - compare the items in the database with what you have in your files and you will see.
Terabyte said:
How EI works - in the database it reference each item by a number (idx) - now that matches the client side file. If the item on the Inventory.wil/wix is blank - then you also wont see anything either.

Get yourself a Wil Editor/Viewer - compare the items in the database with what you have in your files and you will see.
Just tried adding 1 to the looks of the item, eg beef from something like 300 to 301 (just an example)

And it didn't work.
Any more ideas plz?
Right here is a exmaple -


On the table you will see a column named LOOKS - for the above item as a example its 872.

Now get a wil viewer - open up INVENTORY.WIL/WIX - go look at item 872 in the viwer - you will see that it should be the shape of a latern necklace.

Ground.wil/wix is the items on the floor - should have the same items in there as well (but smaller).

Your files should start at 0 not 1 - otherwise they are all out by one.
Terabyte said:
Right here is a exmaple -


On the table you will see a column named LOOKS - for the above item as a example its 872.

Now get a wil viewer - open up INVENTORY.WIL/WIX - go look at item 872 in the viwer - you will see that it should be the shape of a latern necklace.

Ground.wil/wix is the items on the floor - should have the same items in there as well (but smaller).

Your files should start at 0 not 1 - otherwise they are all out by one.
Okay, thanks i'll have a look.
When I try to view past like 20 it gives the error:

'Access violation at address 0044ABF8 in module 'EIImageViewer.exe'. Read of address 00FA2000.'


Can someone send me their inventory.wil/wix and ground.wil/wix please.
As I cannot view past the pots (I can see the pots) then it is probably the version of EI I have.

My hotmail it [email protected] if anyone can add me to send my inventory.wil/wix and ground.wil/wix

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to save u some work just download client updates from online mir3 private server...