Unable to connect, but 1 User

Jul 21, 2006
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Havent had this, but i try to connect, says unable to connect, 1 user, 100 monsters, 3 rec messages... ports are forwarded, ip correct, idk wat prob is
Did you guys upgrade, or change any files or anything. Or did this error appear out of the blue. I've had this problem happen to me on a few rare instances, but was never anything concerning, just usually a connection error on my part. Try rechecking to make sure everything is correct. Using SQL.dll? Check log files.
it has happened to me once.... no twice before.

i have been forced to reformat my computer..... =/

idk what else it could be.

its definately your db or odbc.

cuz thats all i change when i redo it.

i just add it again.

sorry i dont have a full answer
see ive always been able to work, idk why its not working now, i was away for like 2 months before i came back, maybe i lost something valueable? not sure, but i could take any server files, arrange them, and get them to work. Idk what my problem is now...
and for some reason, if i mess up my pass or id, says wrong ID or pass, please re-enter...
If your using SQL.dll then its just a incorrect setting because this has happened to me, said 30 people on but had 70 people in irc getting "Account already logged in" errors. Check your registry.
ok go into the pt folder and youll see sql ok if you dont see it go to show all your hidden files in your folder options and DELETE sql.dll AND IT WILL WORK
it happen to me and it works but my server keeps crashing ok
If your using SQL.dll then its just a incorrect setting because this has happened to me, said 30 people on but had 70 people in irc getting "Account already logged in" errors. Check your registry.

SiK, what's the max upstream speed for dedicated server?
The max? Matters which line you get, 100mbit can upload like 15mb/s and dl 25mb/s (I forgot the numbers exact, but these are roughly right). A 1gbit line can dl in my experience realistically up to 45mb/s and upload 35mb/s