To stop sunsets from breaking entirely, open RMS_REMOVEONEITEM in the stored procedures and delete this line:
If your item would normally be broken, it will still display "The item has lost the transference of experience..." but it will still be there.
delete tblSpecialItem1 where ID in (select top 1 ID from tblSpecialItem1 where GameID = @GameID and Position = @Position and WindowKind = @WindowKind and WindowIndex = @WindowIndex and ItemKind = @ItemKind and ItemIndex = @ItemIndex and ItemDurability = @ItemDurability and AttackGrade = @ItemAttackGrade and StrengthGrade = @ItemStrengthGrade and SpiritGrade = @ItemSpiritGrade and DexterityGrade = @ItemDexterityGrade and PowerGrade = @ItemPowerGrade)
If your item would normally be broken, it will still display "The item has lost the transference of experience..." but it will still be there.