Understanding and Editing Gate.txt and Gate.bmd

Experienced Elementalist
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
North Krypton
Ill make it quick, it's very simple and understandable!
Download this use full BMD editor:

Hello Fraps, can you tell me how can I edit a gate from lorencia coordinates x,x so it will teleport me to devias coordinates x,x ?

Rule number one on editing the gates:
For the gate ingame to be working, the gate.txt and gate.bmd must be the same! if there will be one number more or less, it WON'T work!
So be careful when editing it.

Step 1: Finding the coordinates WHERE FROM you want to be teleported. (in our case it is Lorencia right?).

Getting your coordinates range ( x,x ) ( y,y ) [I hope you learned math in your school because it might come in handy right now.]
So lets say you want a certain area (square*) to teleport you to devias, check those coorditanes:
Check this pictures:

Fraps. - Understanding and Editing Gate.txt and Gate.bmd - RaGEZONE Forums

Fraps. - Understanding and Editing Gate.txt and Gate.bmd - RaGEZONE Forums

RED: coordinates set in the gates
PINK: the area that if you will approch it, you will be teleported.
ORANGE: (continue with the guide)

same for the destination

now that you understood the rule, lets learn how to edit gate.txt and bmd!!
Example for my gate from arena to stadium and from stadium back to arena:
142     1 6 65 137 65 137 143 0 50
143     2 6 63 118 63 118 142 0 50
144     2 6 65 137 65 137 145 0 50
145     1 6 60 120 65 120 144 0 50

It maybe looks very un-understandable, but once you learned it, it will be a kids game!

Lets take the first line:
142     1 6 65 137 65 137 143 0 50

142: gate number: every new line you past into the gate should be called in a new gate number
1: is it first gate or second? it you want the first line to teleport to the second line, the first line has to be "1" and the second has to be "2" so the GS will know which line to teleport to which.
6: map number: from which map it will teleport
65: coordinate X1 (see pictures above)
137: coordinate Y1 (see pictures above)
65: coordinate X2 (see pictures above)
137: coordinate Y2 (see pictures above)
143: to which gate this area will send you? in this case it will send us to gate 143 (at stadium)
0: i dont know what is that, leave it always 0
50: level required to enter this gate

As you can figure out by now, my 142 and 144 gates are not areas, (see pic to understand what is areas) means that those coords in game will teleport me into one spot and not into a field area.
143 and 145 are areas, yes.

Q: Fraps, how did you manage to know all that shit?
A: Used my brain and the sense, if you don't have any sense, use this guide, if you do have, you don't need this guide.

Re: [Guide] Understanding and Editing Gate.txt and Gate.bmd

in gate.bmd is posibel to edit the lvl for the gate more that lvl 255
sory for my bad english :busted_co
Re: [Guide] Understanding and Editing Gate.txt and Gate.bmd

You can figure it out by yourself, but it will be the next part of the guide, but still I cant make it because currently I don't have my PC. again, you can figure it out by yourself, put your mind into it and use your brain and sense.
Re: [Guide] Understanding and Editing Gate.txt and Gate.bmd

73 1 0 114 129 126 129 0 50
74 2 6 63 118 63 118 142 0 50

Not working...
in muserver gate.txt addaded but lorencia 114 129 not gate...
Re: [Guide] Understanding and Editing Gate.txt and Gate.bmd

hey guys i have added to a new location to my warp commands list in game - Land Of Trial, i did everything rigth! but when i press that location, i have been teleported to valley of loren. is there some way to add this location without this requiriment that to the land of trial can enter only caste siege winners???
Re: [Guide] Understanding and Editing Gate.txt and Gate.bmd

Hey guys i have one question, My Stadium/Arena does not work the way i want..... right now after u die u just show up again at the same place so if someone would be afk u cant do anything to it. so i would like to change it... after one or 3 kills it moves you to the lorencia city or the black spot, there are all files about gate and arena so if someone would fix it for me i would be relay appreciated: its a Seazon4
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